Again, we're met with a case of "power level makes us less weak, but doesn't actually make us stronger."
The Raid's normal mode was 270 before the expansion, while the prestige mode was at 300.
After the expansion, that's been raised to 300 for normal mode, and 330 for prestige mode.
Am I the only one who thinks this is stupid? We're getting higher in level by 5, and higher in power by 30...but it doesn't matter in the f***ing slightest because the only activity that could possibly be affected by that power increase has itself been increased to match.
And what about the people without the DLC? They're going to need MAX (for them) power level to even stand a chance in the normal raid, and they're barred from even attempting prestige mode.
You take those values, and put them back where they were, Bungie! And for god's sake don't hype up a power increase if it doesn't make a f***ing difference.
Of all the nonsense people have bitched about in this game, this is the one thing that isn't nonsense. This content was part of the base game people bought and shouldn't be removed from their grasp. Especially with how our light/power level is throttled to offer no additional benefit after a certain point, the only possible purpose of this is to try and coerce people to buy the DLC. It's a blatantly deceptive business practice. Even the strike quest step for the Legacy of Acrius got boosted up to 330! If it was base game content it should remain obtainable by people with the base game.
Im on the fence there. But bump.