I thought these planet resource nodes & crates were updated to always get something from it.
I'm running around Nessus to get tokens & the radiolarian cultures, and what do you know. 2 crates AND 3 data lettuce nodes with only glimmer and no items. If I pull a cabbage out of the dirt I expect to be holding a darn cabbage, same logic applies to resource nodes on destiny.
I thought bungie got rid of that null-loot garbage with Osiris?
[quote]DEC 12 Exploit safeguards on Chests and Resource Nodes are greatly relaxed and players should encounter them less frequently Even if they do, drop rates for Tokens is only reduced to 30% instead of 0%, and Glimmer will be unaffected We want to associate a visual indicator with this in a future update, but we weren’t able to pull that off in this update (but we hear you!) [/quote]