Prometheus Lens (PL) is the most OP weapon in PvP throughout the franchise's short history, there is no comparison. Bungie (DeeJ) claimed on Twitter, that it is bugged. However I don't believe it is unintentional knowing Activision's business strategies and recent patents.
Maybe they made a DLC exclusive weapon OP so that those who haven't bought it would get frustrated and buy Curse of Osiris. If you find it unlikely, you should find out more about Activiosion and their patents. Here's some videos by a youtuber called Yongyea about Activision:
While the topics discussed in the videos above are not directly about "Promtheus Lens method", they certainly reveal that Activision's money making philosophy fits the situation at hand in Destiny 2. Do I have proof? Of course not. But I think Activision has given more than enough reasons to question their practices.
I’ve been thinking the same thing, something extra to push people to buy dlc along with locking content behind dlc pay wall.