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12/6/2017 7:12:44 PM

High impact frame scout rifles

High impact Scout rifles, I'm not sure where to start so I'm just going to dive straight it. They are not in a good place right now and I'm pretty sure a lot of people in the community would agree. There are a few different things that could be done to this weapon archetype that would help improve them. Here are my thoughts #1. The obvious one. They need a damage buff to both the base damage as well as the critical hit multiplier (which currently sits at 2.7 of the base damage). If I remember correctly in Destiny 1 a buff also had to be applied to both their base damage and critical hit multiplier because of the same issue that they're going through right now. I don't recall when that buff came through but it greatly helped out this archetype of weapon and the same needs to be done again. #2. Make the weapons more enticing to use. This can simply be done by placing better traits on the weapons. As it stands right now the traits that are on Does not compute(moving Target), Good Counsel(hip fire grip), Haunted Earth (field prep),The Guiding sight (pulse monitor), The dream (snapshot) and the best-looking gun in the game Song of Justice (autoloading holster) are very underwhelming. The best Scout rifle in the game for PVE is the nameless midnight because of explosive payload. Can one of those Scout rifles listed above get explosive payload or even something new that's in development get explosive payload or kill clip or Rampage? #3. The Jade Rabbit. This baby( my baby) needs to be taken back to the drawing board. While I do appreciate the fact that it was brought into Destiny 2 because there were players on Xbox that never got the opportunity to use it. This weapon does not feel exotic in any way and it does not even have the same amount of perks on it as other exotic weapons. This weapon could use a buff to its stability and something like triple tap or even better the triple double perk that was on chaos Dogma from the rise of iron expansion. It would help keep the weapon in line with what it's trying to do which is keep the DPS up. I have to be honest there is nothing on this version of the gun that would make me want to use my exotic slot on it. The Jade Rabbit was one of my most used guns in Destiny 1, I had something like 19,000 kills with it. Please make some changes to this one. I really do hope that somebody from Bungie sees this and passes it along to whoever makes these decisions. These are my favorite type of guns in the game and part of the reason why I fell so hard for this franchise. They really do need some love and I hope that they get it. Thanks for your time.

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