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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by SuperJohnJohn: 12/4/2017 12:39:00 AM

This game is actually good

Title. Fight me. [EDIT]\ Upvote if you agree/

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  • Your mom's actually good. Wait, that doesn't work...

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    2 Replies
    • I agree... I use the disc to set my coffee on so I don't leave a ring on my wood table.

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      • Back to one you go. No sense downvoting someone’s opinion

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        • There was so much potential, to build on a solid core; we get a handful of good changes & so, so many misjudged decisions!

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          10 Replies
          • You have 0 upvotes lol

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            3 Replies
            • Destiny 2 is a upsetting and disappointing experience and with the lack of content CoO offers its obvious to me it isn’t going to get any better. There are a few people trying to defend this game but what I don’t get is if they love it so much than WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE DOING HYPING THE GAME DOING HERE??? WHY AREN’T THEY PLAYING. I never touch the forums during D1 unless it was to learn secerts and lore. Now it’s just people who are either angry or hyping. WTF happened???? I would be pretty sure that Luke Smith and the Activision crew is spamming the forums trying to get people to buy what’s broken if they cared but I don’t think they do. Otherwise why hype a game that just dropped a DLC today??? Because it’s your job or your a troll??? These are the only 2 logical options to me. Where the F did these things go??? D1 weapons slots (watch video In-game drops (Throw out the token system) Strike specific loot A real quest page Real quests (eg Bohleen Gemini, sleeper sim) Exotic quests which are hard (eg chaperone) Real exotics White whale weapons drops in activities (eg mythocast) Raid perks on raid gear The grind (eg strike keys, treasure keys) Bounties Hidden bounties (eg thorn) Hidden quests (eg kastavo) Hidden missions (eg Black spindle) Grimmore (in-Game) Dead ghost (collectibles) Way more Game achievements 3v3 6v6 pvp Real PvP game types with a selection process Ranked play Mystery and wonder back to destiny This is just what we expected from D2 not to say anything about what we hoped for. Things like: New subclasses Flying our ships New exciting vehicles (that are part of normal game play) New weapon types(ones that are useful) I mean do people really not want these things in the game??? If they love the game so much don’t they want depth and an experience to last longer???? I MEAN REALLY GUARDIANS WTF?????

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              • Edited by FRYKILL: 12/5/2017 11:23:29 PM
                Bait. Every one knows you don't hit special people.

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              • Yeah, this game sucks.

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              • D1

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                2 Replies
                • It’s definitely more entertaining than candy crush. People compare it to the FPS/MMO genre, and thats where the salt comes from. They take being able to actually play games for granted. O, how far the world has fallen

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                  • Edited by Darkwyve: 12/4/2017 8:25:33 PM
                    I won't argue. It is good. The reason so many people have an issue with it (especially players of Destiny 1) is that it should have been [b]great[/b]. Instead of building on everything they learned and expanded in Destiny 1, they took countless steps back and even took away a ton of our options. Want to choose your mode in crucible to play? Too bad. Wanna run some private matches with fellow clan mates? Well sorry. Want a reason to run some strikes, maybe some strike specific gear or strike scoring to earn bonus rewards? No can do. Want to be rewarded for playing endgame activities with gear that actually helps you in that activity? Sorry, no raid/trials specific perks, that's too hard as well. What, you wanted to even just replay the campaign for fun to enjoy the story, but you've already created 3 characters? Sorry, either delete one, or you're screwed. Tired of the regular endgame activities, so maybe you can just chill and run some Prison of Elders, Siva Arena, or Court of Oryx to mix it up... oh wait, that's right; those don't exist either. All of these options (and more) are gone, because of two reasons: 1. Bungie is forced to stick to a release date schedule for both games and DLC because of their contract with Activision, so ready or not content is released; it's why we ended up with such a barebones end game. 2. I firmly believe that many of the options we had in Destiny 1 will be fed back to us in 'free' updates, and as filler in paid DLC to pad it and make it look more full than it actually is (proof: We're getting heroic strikes back when Osiris drops tomorrow. Who wants to bet there's a good chance those heroics are even locked behind the paywall of having gotten the DLC?) This is a large reason why people are pissed. Many are so angry and frustrated that they now hate the game out of principle, not really because it's a bad game, but because of how disappointing it is from what it could and should have been. [spoiler]Personally I got my money's worth out of it, as when you realize that Bungie decided to just make a shooter with a few MMO-lite elements, instead of going full mixed genre like they were originally going to, you can't expect too many hours of game play unless you're a PvPer (which I'm not). Shame Bungie decided to cater solely to the casuals, as Destiny could have been something special instead of just another average or good game (depending on your tastes).[/spoiler]

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                    2 Replies
                    • You're trying too hard. Good bait is subtle. This is just poor form.

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                      • Good one

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                      • Agreed. Just wish people didn’t have such a stick up their arse about this game being a reboot instead of a massive expansion. Bungie told us this months before the game came out. Heck. Was even time to cancel all of your preorders.

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                        5 Replies
                        • Edited by Corrick II: 12/5/2017 2:06:41 AM
                          The core mechanics are good... they're actually great. As a "game", however... strictly speaking it is mediocre. Yes, it is a diversion, but it is by no means challenging nor is it particularly fulfilling. It could be, but in its current state it is not. I would call it more of a pastime. Regardless, I'm playing it occasionally and still having having fun while hoping for meaningful improvements.

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                        • Zero upvotes lol

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                          3 Replies
                          • Edited by Tri1k: 12/4/2017 12:51:06 AM
                            Well, I actually like it and play often

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                            12 Replies
                            • Throws space turtle drop pod at him

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                              • Hell yea

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                                • Prepare the salt barricades

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                                  • Yes.

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                                  • Same

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                                  • i have my critiques on D2. none of them are in discussion on the forum. my main gripe is lore based. Destiny seems to be stuck in a "LOST" syndrome where everything is a mystery and nothing gets answered. Alien threats are acting without motivation a lot of the time. Like "why are they here", not solar system. i get that, but why are the Cabal stationed in the EDZ? there has to be a reason they're there. they wouldn't pick a fallen hot bed for no reason.

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                                  • I was expecting to see "said nobody ever". Good job on not going that route.

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                                  • For about 3 weeks!

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                                  • Yeah! [spoiler][b][i][u]KUPO!!!™[/u][/i][/b][/spoiler]

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