Barely 10 mins ago I've done raid.Before I've done that, there was an active milestone which giving you your powerful engram.when I checked map with milestones after completing the raid and milestone is nowhere, no even green thing blinking in Hawthorne
Can u help me? =
In addition to what the other posters have mentioned, Hawthorne only provides you the clan engram if there are at least 2 other clan members in raid with you (assuming clan hasn’t already earned this weekly reward for clan).
This is literally asked several times every single day. You could have searched the forum before asking to get your answer. The rewards during the raid is the "powerful engram". You do not get a separate engram for the milestone.
That milestione is different than the others, The "Powerful Engram" you get by completing the raid is actually the guaranteed loot you get on the last raid chest (after killing Calus).
The raid milestone works differently and when you collect your gear from the final chest, that's your milestone reward