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Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]
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  • [b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Daun (Dawn) Bumi (Boomy), name she has adopted over her travels as its close to her native one [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 31, though looks younger. Maybe about 28 [b][i]Gender:[/i][/b] Female [b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b] Standing at 5'8" tall, with skin the colour of Lyptus wood, Daun is a fairly boyish-looking female. Her black hair is tied back into short dreadlocks, her hair being shorter anyways, each one held together by two wooden rings ornately carved. Hey eyes are the colour of spruce needles. Her body is built lean but strong, like a greyhound. There is very little fat, and the muscle is a bit visible but not like she's jacked. She is about a b-cup, though her chest is usually wrapped tighter with linen wraps so she appears smaller. She is less curvy than many females, her appearance in general usually described as tomboy-like. One may have to do a double take when looking at her to make sure she isn't a male, but upon any further inspection it's quite evident she's a female. Her body is usually covered with different paints and such for magical effects, but normally, it is Ivory coloured white tribal paint of what we would call native style. It goes up her left leg, across her hp and back, and going over her right arm. [b][i]Weapons:[/i][/b] [i]Recurve bow:[/i] A special bow made for her by her. This recurve bow is made of horn, reinforced by magic and exceptionally durable. It's small size means it unassuming for how much power it can pack, with normal arrows being able to pierce thick leathers with ease and with a good deal of luck even less durable metal. It's magic, chaining itself to the ground with vines if any other then Daun or those she allows try to pick it up. She is very accurate with it, part skill and part magic, and can even use it as a targeted for her spells. [i]War Spikes:[/i] Do not let the simplicity of these two strange weapons fool you. The shaft is Ivory white, made of bone from animals and the head is a dark brown and very resilient stone. They are enchanted as well to not break unless under immense pressure, and will repair themselves when in sunlight. The spikes are very good at piercing armour, and hooking the enemy as well as transferring force and dealing with unarmored enemies. [i]Bagh Nakh:[/i] Claws that rest in her hands for combat, she can still hold her weapons with these on. This means they are usually with her, and are very good against lightly armoured or unarmored opponents. She is adept with these, and while they are mainly used for rituals they are very deadly weapons. Also help with her climbing abilities like her spikes [b][i]Armour:[/i][/b] Her armour is natural, as she tries to keep most of her things. So natural, in fact, that it is simply part of her own body. When I'm combat, her body creates a stone flesh effect, making her more durable and resilient to all manner of slashes, arrow wounds and such. It's as if she is wearing petrified wood armour without it being there. It's not as strong as metal, but pretty close. As for actual clothing armour, it's mainly woven plant fibers, the equivalent of hardened leathers. She wears a chest piece like this ( still revealing her stomach but protecting her upper. She wears woven pants, with the armour like fiber on the upper and lower leg with bone on them for added protection. Her lower arms also have coverings like such on them. Her face is covered by her mask(, which is surprisingly durable for looking like wood [b][i]Magic:[/i][/b] [i]Nature manipulation[/i]: Daun has the ability to manipulate nature a good deal. She can slap people with branches, ensnare legs with vines, cause blades of grass to become sharp as daggers or cause dirt to become mud in an instant. This is all very easy to her, as she has done it for so long. She can also heal in the sun, or by drawing energy from the plants around her. [i]Spirit Calling:[/i] Calling upon spirit animals from the grave, different beasts can be called for different circumstances. Owl gives him the ability to see through its eyes and use it as a scout, Eagle can be used like a magic missile, bear is a durable tank, wolf is an offensive beast. If she really focuses, she can summon a Satyr-like creature, a Forest Guardian. It's skin is made of some kind of wood, the legs covered in moss like fur. Two horns come out of its head as it is armed with different weapons. [i]Mask of Terror:[/i] Using her mask, in combat she can make herself appear to transform into a creature of the forest itself. Her hair appears to be made of fines with vicious barbs at the end, the mask merging with her face as her skin appears to be made of wood from a Lyptus tree, any areas that require heavy movement like joints being made of flexible vine. Her fingers appear to end in claws, and it's generally just a terrifying sight to anyone not very well experienced with fighting inhuman creatures. Even those it may rattle. [i]Tatau Magic[/i] By putting different warpaint markings on her body she can increase her abilities even more, with her normal one being a slight base increase to speed, strength and durability. Doing green warpaint around the eyes and face, and down the back of the spine gives her enhanced vision, and boosts her tracking skills. Red warpaint on the arms and upper back give enhanced strength strong enough to hold back bears. Blue on the legs and hips allows for cheetah like speed and rabbit like jumping, as well as increasing her stealth abilities [i]Ritual magics[/i] Not really to be used in combat, Daun can perform many rituals of her people for different effects. They all take time and preparation, plus time to actually do, so they cannot be done there and then. They can be used to heal a large area, track someone, render an area sacred ground or reverse said sacrification, and more effects. Note that some rituals she does aren't magic, just festivals and feast days and the like her people celebrate to appease the spirits. [b][i]Skills:[/i][/b] - Botany: Can grow many types of plants, as well as turn said plants into medicine or poison powders for herself to use. - Fighting: An expert with her weapons of choice, she is highly lethal with them. She can also use blow pipes and war clubs well. - Immunities: She has developed a resistance to poisons and drugs of many kinds. - Magic: See above - Stealth: She can move quietly, sneaking around and moving about without being detected with ease. She can climb and move through the trees as well. [b][i]Bio:[/i][/b] Originally the daughter to one of the tribe shaman, their tribe was unlike many others. Instead of wandering, they had begun to grow food. Anyways, she was to be educated how to be a shaman as well, though as a child she was shown to be a bit of a trouble maker. She would mess with people but nothing was harmful. She also much preferred the company of animals to her own tribesmen. While being educated, she was taught how to commune with spirits, this being with exceptional ease to her. There were rituals she was told it was forbidden to do though, and this is what would get her cursed and banished. She was up one night, seeing a fire off in the woods. As she would approach, she saw one of the rituals being done, a ritual of life elongation, the Chief having it performed on him so he could continue to lead and be the strongest there. She stepped in to stop them, and they cursed her to act like the beasts she spent so much time with. Claimed insane and a threat to the tribe, her clan banished her. [b][i]Fun Facts:[/i][/b] - Acts a bit weird, then again makes sense considering her growing up. Acts very animal like, with growls when angry and such - Has a good deal of ritual and festival days. If you ever see her doing something even more out of the ordinary than she usually is, probably why. - Speaking of festival days, if you ask her about one she will gladly explain and if asking to join her in the process she will gladly allow. - Make fun of her tribal origin and you will end up hurting. - Does have a pipe, but to her it is a CEREMONIAL TOOL and not, NOT, used for getting high. Ever.

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