[quote]Yeah damn...I️ don’t miss any of that crap tbh
Maybe the vault weapons...which were over powered and no brainer choices to do everything with
But leveling guns
Leveling armor
Grinding materials for the armor and in the beginning you needed wire, steel and that other crap
It wasn’t just armor materials like it is now...
Blues from purples
Sometimes getting nothing but materials from the raid
That’s right
Just shards
Yeah no thanks
You can have that bud
Thank god you don’t design this game
You idiots don’t know what you want
First it’s to hard
Then it’s to easy
Just stfu and play the game or move on[/quote]
Actually, I've been very consistent about what I want. The reason why the "community" doesn't seem to know what it wants is because there's too many interests that are incompatible. And Bungie hasn't accepted that if you want to cater to ALL of these crowds, you need to offer separated/compartmentalized modes that cater to each of them.
Honestly, it sounds to me like if you didn't like the grind in D1, you didn't really want to play a loot-grinder in the first place. You likely just wanted a standardized FPS and should have been playing that from the beginning.
Dude i had like 70 days in D1 To not of gotten god rolls on guns such as eyasluna or a long bow when they were top tier is pathetic So yeah when scrub a dub dub gets one in his first match and when that weapon with the perfect perks has an advantage over everything else Yeah Its bullshit Im happy with the way they have the rolls now Now if people want random rolls for pve Have at it But pvp No