I have been trying to get my NAT type to change from strict to moderate or open for 3 days now.
I have tried every single solution i have thought of, or found on the internet and not a single one has worked so far.
I have upnp enabled on my router, that does not do anything.
I have port forwarded 3074 and 3097, does nothing.
I have port forwarded the range of 12000-64000. Doesn't work.
I have added rules to the firewall(which i also tried disabling completely), to enable Destiny 2 traffic, doesn't work either.
The only difference from other computers that i have noticed is that, on my computer, my "Internal Port" is always 3097, yet my "External Port" is randomized , between 50000 and 68000, whenever i launch the game.Yet on other computers, the Internal and External ports are the same, both 3097.([url]https://imgur.com/Uzhhw8E[/url])
I believe this is the problem that is causing my NAT type to be stuck on strict, and i have nothing else to try and fix it. I have tried everything i know.
Please help me with this, because i get kicked every few minutes with random errors, and i cannot see anyone in most public spaces.
Have you tried this: https://community.callofduty.com/t5/Call-of-Duty-Modern-Warfare-3/resolve-strict-nat-on-thomson-gateway-for-all-systems/td-p/4392402? [url=https://www.google.com/search?safe=off&rlz=1C1GGRV_enUS752US758&ei=UzkDWrzSMoiEjwPV3LiQAw&q=thomson+tg585+v7+strict+nat+type&oq=thomson+tg585+v7+strict+nat+type&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30k1.127472.133232.0.133664.]LMGTFY[/url]
who is your ISP? also are your using a modem in bridge mode with a separate router? i had a similar problem, it after weeks of troubleshooting it found it to be that my modem's upnp was a piece of shit and the port forwarding was not working either. i simply complained to my ISP and demanded a different brand modem. now im on moderate with full firewall and no forced open ports. have not had a single connection issue or even. on a separate note, port forwarding, DMZ, and public IP addresses will all make you an easy target for DDos attacks. the upnp and fire wall are you protection against them.
Edited by icemount: 11/8/2017 4:56:51 PMHad same issue before Destiny 2, for release I requested my ISP for a public IP address. Now in all games Open NAT.
Edited by gato: 11/8/2017 4:10:35 PMYou could try to enable DMZ on your router for your machine (FOR TROUBLESHOOTING ONLY, DO NOT RUN THIS SETTING LONG) If its still strict when DMZ is enabled atleast you can rule out router settings. Now i have to ask this. cause ive done it personally even though i know better. Did you forget to restart your router after you port forwarded? my router saves my forwards but until i force a restart they wont work.