Your opinion: The game's good or bad.
Your actions: Buy or don't buy.
Your opinion: The game's bad.
Your action: Buy.
Hmmmm 🤔
Edited by BlessTheMic863: 11/8/2017 10:08:06 PMYour ability to read for content is 🤔 or just jumping to a conclusion? Game is bad but I made the mistake of getting the digital version of the game with the season pass which includes DLCs 1 and 2 which occurred before I knew the game was bad. So I will play what I’ve already paid for. There hope that cleared that up for you.
Edited by Nineball2112: 11/8/2017 1:57:41 PMI think you have the time line a [u][i][b]BIT[/b][/i][/u] off there. People's thoughts: The game's good or bad? People's actions: Make the logical assumption that the game will be a continuation and improvement from the last iteration of the game. People's action: Buy the game. People's realization once getting the game: The game's bad.
That's my whole point. Why not wait?
Well, I agree that people should have waited to buy the game, but I think a lot of them made the misguided assumption that D2 would be as good as, and even better, than the end of D1, Y3. They were wrong.
Yes they were. They also have no one to blame but themselves. People would have done a trial on the game then given their opinions. They'd have saved money or only had to wait a week longer, as feed back would have been everywhere. This whole thing is about impatience.