I've gotten so many damn graviton lances like I didn't choose it during the story. And now every single engram I have gotten has been a damn graviton lance. Is this really that hard to fix or change? And xur selling it? Wth. Why is that even in the pool? You're able to get all of the campaign guns, you guessed it, through the campaign. Armor I can understand as that's harder to get without making a ton of characters but come on. Why is the rng so crap? Why bungo why must you hurt us.
If the game never gave repeats, I would have gotten every exotic in game by now, even the ones for the other classes. Currently, I am still missing a ton. I feel like Bungie made the drops for exotics far higher than D1, but because of that, they give us more duplicates. I have gotten 5+ of certain weapons or armor pieces. They should probably tone down the drop rate slightly, and make it slightly more likely that you get exotics you don't have.