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11/3/2017 6:34:14 PM
This isn't a salty post or a bungie-luv post either. It's a serious question about the mentailty of consumers today. I noticed this division on the forum of people either accepting the product as it is or others calling out the maker for faults that clearly and/or assumingly exist. What's odd is that the "accepters" acknowledge some of the faults, they know there are problems, but not only accept them, they defend them! Even go as far as giving the excuses for the maker of the product. As an active commission only sales person for decades, I would have loved these types of consumers! They never existed though. At least I never came across them. If I ever sold an inferior, faulty, or falsely advertised product I'd either loose the customer, refund, exchange, or something. Look, when an automaker makes a car, they won't advertise the seatbelts. We assume they are with the car. We don't expect to pay extra for them as an add on later. Also, if the previous model had lights, windshield wipers, and wheel, it's assumed those would be on the new car as well. We also assume that after making a previous model or models, the newer version will have advancements and be fine tuned from the previous model. Problems from before would be no issue anymore. If the maker advertised, said, or in some way conveyed the car would get 40 mpg, we'd expect to get at least 40 mpg. If we buy the car and only get 30 mpg, there would be a class action lawsuit and recall (true story). I can't imagine a new car owner saying, "...well the last model was faulty too and it took them three years to get to fixing the several issues my car had. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt again, and this time let them get to the dozen of issues with this newer model over the next three or four years. Maybe the next model will be better! I'll preorder once again." Most normal, logical, sensible people would never give that automaker another look. Seriuosly, I can not imagine that anyone on these forums would accept poor service at a restaurant, lousy customer service at a store, willingly be okay with a faulty mattress purchase, or anything of the sort. I understand this is just a game, but there is still a point here. When did people start becoming so compliant? Just accepteing the slop plopped in front of them? These "accepters" are called "lay downs" in the sales business. Can you imagine the spouses they settled for? The cars they drive? I'm just imagining them sounding like Eeyore with their gloomy, depressed, anhedonic retorts of "that's the way it is." I honestly think it comes down to this. Sometimes we fight with ourselves, and defend ourselves from others, for being so stupid as to fall for the same trick. We don't want to look stupid, so we devoutly defend our decision. The "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." is a tough pill to swallow. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

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  • Nobody was duped lol. Anyone who played D1 really should have known what D2 was going to be like.

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  • I'd say I feel duped. I sure didn't expect static rolls, dumbed-down subclasses and bland armor choices to kill the desire to play.

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  • Everyone is comparing an average game to a bad game they are nostalgically attached to on here. I'm just failing to understand how any community could let themselves decay in such a way.

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  • I considered Destiny a great game by the time the Age of Triumph was a thing and it was "complete". I enjoyed it enough to play for 3 years. However, with certain changes to the design philosophy, this game that is meant to be played with friends is being played by NONE of my friends and I can't imagine it having the longevity of D1 without some big changes...

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  • It's not different enough from D1 to be this dramatic. You've played the game for 4 years and now the magic has worn off. D1 was not a particularly good game during any of its eras.

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  • I understand and agree it's being blown out of proportion, but Bungie should consider it a problem that this many people feel cheated/misled/whatever. I only post and offer criticism because I did really enjoy Destiny for all its good and bad. It's just a different animal now. I can't understand wanting to cater to those that left the game rather than those who stayed and loved it (other than the obvious answer: money). And yes, I know it's a game... However, to me and I'm sure so many more, this game created a community and this game is trying to adopt a different identity, which is splitting the community (as evidenced here on these forums) and it just isn't good for the game in the long haul. Besides, if you think it was only a mediocre game and the sequel is still average, why post on the forums with am avatar of Mara Sov? Just curious about that one?

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  • [quote]This isn't a salty post or a bungie-luv post either. It's a serious question about the mentailty of consumers today. I noticed this division on the forum of people either accepting the product as it is or others calling out the maker for faults that clearly and/or assumingly exist. What's odd is that the "accepters" acknowledge some of the faults, they know there are problems, but not only accept them, they defend them! Even go as far as giving the excuses for the maker of the product. As an active commission only sales person for decades, I would have loved these types of consumers! They never existed though. At least I never came across them. If I ever sold an inferior, faulty, or falsely advertised product I'd either loose the customer, refund, exchange, or something. Look, when an automaker makes a car, they won't advertise the seatbelts. We assume they are with the car. We don't expect to pay extra for them as an add on later. Also, if the previous model had lights, windshield wipers, and wheel, it's assumed those would be on the new car as well. We also assume that after making a previous model or models, the newer version will have advancements and be fine tuned from the previous model. Problems from before would be no issue anymore. If the maker advertised, said, or in some way conveyed the car would get 40 mpg, we'd expect to get at least 40 mpg. If we buy the car and only get 30 mpg, there would be a class action lawsuit and recall (true story). I can't imagine a new car owner saying, "...well the last model was faulty too and it took them three years to get to fixing the several issues my car had. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt again, and this time let them get to the dozen of issues with this newer model over the next three or four years. Maybe the next model will be better! I'll preorder once again." Most normal, logical, sensible people would never give that automaker another look. Seriuosly, I can not imagine that anyone on these forums would accept poor service at a restaurant, lousy customer service at a store, willingly be okay with a faulty mattress purchase, or anything of the sort. I understand this is just a game, but there is still a point here. When did people start becoming so compliant? Just accepteing the slop plopped in front of them? These "accepters" are called "lay downs" in the sales business. Can you imagine the spouses they settled for? The cars they drive? I'm just imagining them sounding like Eeyore with their gloomy, depressed, anhedonic retorts of "that's the way it is." I honestly think it comes down to this. Sometimes we fight with ourselves, and defend ourselves from others, for being so stupid as to fall for the same trick. We don't want to look stupid, so we devoutly defend our decision. The "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." is a tough pill to swallow. "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."[/quote]

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  • Here’s the problem with your car analogy, it talks about a car that is broken or has been advertised as something it’s not. D2 is neither broken nor falsely advertised. You simply are unsatisfied by your purchase. It’s like eating at your favorite restaurant and finding out the recipes have changed and you no longer like the food (I’m looking at you Olive Garden). You certainly have the right to tell the manager that you are dissatisfied and why but you don’t have the right to make a scene in their place of business much less to come back daily and attack their employees or their customers who do enjoy the food. That, in the real world, gets you immature ass arrested and put under a restraining order.

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  • You buy/rent ______________ (fill in with any product) and it is (Choose one) a. faulty b. falsely advertised c. inferior to the the product it was replacing d. the quality is unacceptable e. missing items that are normally standard f. not working as intended e. (fill in the blank) Do you a. keep it b. return it c. go back to the maker and demand a 1. refund 2. new product 3. fix the issue(s) in a timely manner Car, mattress, internet membership, pet, game, whatever goes in that blank., it doesn't matter. It's universal. Just swallow that pill, and realize your "bungie defense" post in your reply to mine supports the point my original post made. "A game isn't a car!" defense is as limp and lame as it gets. Sorry you can't wrap your head around analogies. I feel sorry for ya bro.

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  • Can you even read? The point is simple, you’re complaining as if the game is broken. It’s not. You simply don’t like it. There’s a difference.

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  • this game IS for you!

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  • Yes it is. I enjoy most of it and I’m confident that Bungie isn’t suddenly going to stop tuning the game experience. It’s what they have always done after all. I think you and the rest apoplexy crowd need to calm down.

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  • A car that gets 30mpg and is a newer model than the 40mpg isnt broken either, but you are pretty -blam!-ing pissed that its gettign 10mpg less and its newer. Hence you dont understand OP analogy. #Sheep

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  • Damn you’re dumb.

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  • Edited by girflush: 11/3/2017 7:36:29 PM
    You weren't forced to accept anything, you don't have to "settle" don't like the "product" don't buy it scrub.

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  • And I didn't! Destiny free since 2016! I'm not falling for the same trick twice!

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  • [quote]Destiny free since 2016![/quote] Still in the forums posting a wall of text a full year after the last time you played? That is just sad. You're sad.

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  • How do I know I won't like it without buying it though?

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  • [quote]How do I know I won't like it without buying it though?[/quote] You have to buy it to see what’s in it. ~Luke Pelosi

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  • Research, reviews. go to a buddies and play it (like I did), come to your own conclusion and then willingly, and with open eyes, make that choice. Then you'll have no misconception. If Bungie would have been more transparent that could have avoided a lot of this forum hate.

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  • Edited by Spicy: 11/3/2017 7:58:56 PM
    No one close to me bought destiny 2 for me to play before buying, even more so the problems that plague Destiny 2 don't become apparent until after you beat the campaign, so I would still run into the same problem again. So that point is moot. You can never take anyone's word as fact during a review since everyone has different tastes. Ie.. The popular opinion of the film "[i]Cloverfield"[/i] was that it was a bad movie, but I myself liked it, and it could very well work the other way around with any critically acclaimed movie.

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  • I can't find where he says he was forced to buy Destiny 2. You are definitely the person he is talking about though, scrub.

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  • Shhh, shhhh, shhh. It's okay. It'll be okay. Your reply validates my post. I know it's difficult to accept. Now show me on the doll where Bungie touched you. Did Bungie give you a courtesy reach around at least?

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  • Wow, props. An analogy that didn't sound like it came from a HS Freshman [u]and[/u] was relevant. You are 100% correct, although I think you are a little harsh on the "defenders". Meaning that it is human nature to try and defend a decision rather than admit we got suckered. We all do it at some point and to some extent. Some of us just don't have the same emotional investment in Destiny as people who defend Bungie regardless of what is in front of them.

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  • Edited by Grzzld-Gamer: 11/3/2017 7:43:26 PM
    It's the "defenders" that know they were suckered and still defend Bungie are mainly who I speak of. Everybody was suckered. Some of us realize it, and won't stand for it. Others realize it, and are fine with being duped. I guess there are reasons there are "shepards & sheep" in this world. I love me some lamb chops!

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