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Edited by TheShadow-cali: 11/4/2017 2:33:27 AM
You are right about pulling one liners out of where the sun don't shine. Think about it, even Deej could of came up with a better lie then "end game content is about friends" to cover this companies butt for having a lazy team working on the raids... [quote]"We noticed that players felt Lost Sectors were useful, but disliked the fact that they couldn’t enjoy them with a fireteam[/quote] "Useful"? lol come on Bungie, no one gives a flying hoot about stupid tokens that every vendor ends up giving gamers multiple duplicates that are dismantled. WTH is wrong with this company? This is called an "improvement"? Who the hell comes up with these dumb decisions that it's like a 5 year old is making these calls. My mommy said you guys like this so I'll change it and we all can play together... Then on top of it [quote]Bungie players dislike the fact that they couldn't enjoy them with a fireteam?[/quote] Please tell me you guys don't suck at the most watered down game in 2017 that you "need" or even "wanted" a fireteam to run an event that a 5 year old can complete?

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