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11/3/2017 2:58:59 AM

If you are trying to make strikes relevant, you aren’t doing it right...

It’s simple math really. Let’s say my job is to rep up my faction as many times as I can within a 8 hour period. BUT! I could only choose to do strikes, or Public events. For both i am allowed to have two friends in my fireteam for the day (co-op assignment). So on average I know it takes roughly 10-12 minutes for a strike and I can earn the maximum of 9 coins or possible the minimum of 5... well I know that it only takes about 3 minutes on average to complete a heroic public event and it gives me a GUARANTEED 5 coins per completion.... If you haven’t figured it out yet let me do the math for you. 8 hours multiplied by 60 minutes equals 480 minutes of gameplay. Divide 480 by an average of 10 minutes per strike (not including load times) and that is 48 strike completions. Not let’s say you are luckier than your average Joe and get 9 coins every strike completion (in other words the chances of that actually happening would be like playing the Powerball for the first time in your life and being the only person winning the jackpot. Underage gambling is illegal kids) ANYWAYS! 48 strikes times 9 coins is 432 coins total. 432 coins divided by the 20 it takes to level up a faction is only 21 full faction levels and 12 coins in the bucket. Now, let’s say you would rather not blow your brains out and play at LEAST 48 strikes to get at the most 432 coins and put the same amount of time into grinding for faction coins lets do Public events. It takes me and average of 3 minutes or so to complete an heroic event. For better measures let’s say your fireteam came from LFG and they kinda suck. So it takes you guys 4 minutes to complete a single heroic event. 480 minutes of gameplay divided by 4 minutes to complete said event (excluding loading screens and travel time to save me a damn headache) is 120 Public events. Holy shit that’s a lot of events! Well now let’s multiply that by a GUARANTEED 5 COINS and gives us 600 coins exactly!! Which ultimately means you divide those 600 coins by the 20 it takes to level up your faction and you have the MAXIMUM of 30 levels for that faction during faction rally!!! So to sum it up. Would you rather play 8 hours of the same 4 (5 for baller playstation exclusive users) strikes over and over to get the MAXIMUM of 21 level ups OOOOORRRRRR would you play a more in depth public event system that WILL give you 30 full level ups in the same amount of time??? If you are looking Bungie , I would advise making more strikes, granting 10 faction coins per completion and make the Nightfall 15 coins per completion and a solid 20 for its prestiged counterpart. TL:DR - Do Heroic Public Events for Faction Rally Grinding they will save you time, headaches, and possibly some developers jobs. In between the spawns for events do the lost sectors for an easy 3 coins for the whole team to get.

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