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originally posted in: Like if D2 is Disappointing ☹
10/22/2017 12:31:25 PM
[quote]This. Destiny 1 hooked people into playing by rewarding them unpredictably. Didn't know if you'd get that drop in your first raid run, or your 50th. It's how you lay the ground work for addictive behavior as people chase that unpredictable reward. Destiny 2 shows respect for the player. Your rewarded predictably and in an effort dependent fashion. If put lots of hours in, your rewarded well and progress quickly. If you don't you progress slowly. But as you can see, some people prefer the [i]excitement[/i] of a slot machine rather than a steady paycheck. The grinding of The Division and Warframe to Diablo 3s Loot 2.0.[/quote] Look I really hope they can turn this around, it’s a beautiful looking game, but I share the same views as my friends it lacks depth and the search for something awesome. You can’t ignore the 75% drop in players since launch, we have a full clan and only 9 people were online Saturday playing destiny and not one wanted to raid (it’s not worth it was the response} when I started out in D1 I subbed to a lot of big destiny streamers and content creators (I know how you feel about them) they streamed everyday almost until the end of D1 they were all exited for D2 and all ready 98% of them are streaming other games. Then there’s the forums they were never like this in D1, there were always more defending than complaining, that’s not the case now. I am going to be really interested to see what the pc community think of this game. You have to bare in mind that there are a lot of younger people on these forums who can’t quite express themselves accurately enough but if you go through the posts, and there are a lot, there are some very reasonable and intelligent articles. Call of duty has better numbers at this stage in its release compared to destiny 2. The numbers are proving that the casual fan base aren’t sticking around for long enough to sustain this game. This model of everyone’s a winner doesn’t work. I’m not having a go at you this is just how I see things, I like many others want the game to succeed but something has to change.

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