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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
10/21/2017 8:27:19 AM

I LOVE the idea of seasons, but we're going to need kiosks and FAST

I'm hoping that Bungie has already considered and accounted for this in their plans, but I feel like it needs considering nonetheless. So we now know what seasons will entail - new gear rolls, new armour styles, new clan perks and of course new eververse items. The new eververse items do look fantasic, and I do love me a new ship or sparrow, but we're already full up on season 1 items. When seasons 2, 3, 4 etc roll around, how on earth are we going to store all of this stuff? Even just picking them up from bright engrams will leave us faced with a choice between deleting the old or the new due to space issues. Players are going to NEED kiosks for ships, sparrows and ghost shells very quickly. I cannot see how season 2 can begin without them having been implemented. Looking beyond pure player need, consider this also from a business perspective Bungie - are players going to be as inclined to purchase these items with real world money if they know that further down the line they might be forced to delete them to make room for other items? Please please please implement kiosks for ships, sparrows and shells soon. And please let us know that this is all in hand. Thanks!

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