But while we unshackle from these chains, remove this horrible contraption, and embrace the air that is freedom, let's all remember why this day is even celebrated.
Even though No Bra Day can be seen as a day to sexualize women, it was originally established to raise awareness for breast cancer. 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime, and those who battle with breast cancer will usually end up wearing a prosthesis and unable to wear a bra. Hence, No Bra Day.
I lost my aunt and grandmother to breast cancer and those of you who are currently battling breast cancer, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong :)
Happy #NoBraDay!
At least our generation was never expected to wear a corset to be respectable. Isn't it the underwire? I gave up on those ages ago. Well fitted, non cumbersome sports bras are the way to go. I'll go bra less today, but when I'm out and about I'd rather not flippidy flaunt.