>Be me
>Playing shadow of war
>Killed ukbuk the killer, guy who killed me 3 times
>Chop off limbs
>His brother shows up as a perk
>His brother gets revenge by killing me
>Ukbuk isn't really dead
>Shows up in a completely different region he isn't even a captain in missing parts of his head and metal rods attaching his body parts together
>Ukbuk the killer is now Ukbuk the machine
>He keeps killing me
>No ending yet
Game itself is amazing just beware everyone the end game is either super grind or buy loot crates im on endgame fortress 4/10 and about 12 hours into having to grind to get orcs. Shame because the rest of the game is amazing feels like a true next gen action rpg. Also not sure about console versions but pc theres only one save so you cant play story again unless you delete your character