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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
10/13/2017 1:35:10 AM

SPECIFIC!? Revert this steaming pile of shit to D1 Y3

How much more specific can you get with the problems? People want what they had in year 3, not a -blam!-ing reset of every system and aspect of the game. Quit with the token slot machine crap. Bring back rep vendors Bring back random rolls Bring back 6v6 Bring back solo queue Bring back raid rewards on par with difficulty Bring back shader system (or at least quit charging glimmer) Bring back strike specific loot Put supers back to what they were Put melees back to what they were Put grenades back to what they were Put lore in game Fix the lag that's still going on Bring back original IB Fix the shitty vault Bring back the queens bangin body Etc. Etc. Etc. It's like an entirely different company did D2 on a different planet unaware of the changes through D1's iteration.

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