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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Knives: 10/12/2017 8:38:58 PM

Tokens Tokens Tokens

First of all, Kudos for implementing tokens. Tokens are a great consolation reward for participating in any activities since the end reward is RNG-based. However, where you f*ked up hard is that the loot from tokens are also RNG-based. If you let both be RNG-based....then wtf is the point of tokens? You know why people are bitching here? Because tokens adds nothing to the game if they're RNG too... If raid loot drop pieces can be picked by spending tokens...people will be COMPLETELY FINE with grinding 30 tokens for the piece they desire...maybe even more! The same here with Iron Bananas! WTF with the tokens? You know RNG can make it so people never get the gun they want? Since everything is a reskin anyways...let the players pick the gear they want. Nobody wants to get 3 f*king handcannons or 3 bloody boots. Give people choices so they have SOMETHING to grind towards. If it's all RNG, might up as well not f*king bother with iron banner bc you NEVER KNOW WHEN you're actually gonna get a full set of the stuff you want.

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