I didn't mean it, I was just farting so much I thought I wouldn't be able to get lucky with my GF on our anime/Lego night. I just stated taking fistfuls of my dads extra strength Tums and chewed up like 20 or more. My mouth is chalky and my arm pits sweat. Should I call my mom?
UPDATE: So my mom got home after I posted and I told her what happened and why. She took my to the ER and it cost $5000 dollars. I had never told her about my GF so besides having to pay off the $5000 by scooping Poodle shit at the nearby senior center, I have to wear a chastity belt until I'm 18 and help my pastor with door to door evangelism in the red light district. Even though I told her SAO and Attack On Titan are NOT hentai, I have to attend my youth groups 8hr prayer sessions every Saturday. It sucks. I'm the only non homeschooled kid there, and all they do is pray about their sick goats and ask God to lower ammo prices. I'm so -blam!-ed...
I found everything but the oding funny because so many ODS happen near me I’ve become numb to it
What the -blam!-
Good, you should've waited till you were 18 and martied from the beginning. Now go pray before bed.
Son it is time to make your will on your last dying breath. Son, what is your name?
Shoulda gone with the Taco Bell..
I don't hate you per se, I just hate what you're about.
This has to be a joke
I love a good Tums Festival.
Did you bang before your epic fail
Edited by Crypto -PS4-: 10/12/2017 7:11:48 PMA friend of mine had this problem, may he rest in piece.
Prepare for kdiney stones
You sound sick you should try eating some tums to feel better
Edited by Aldrich: 10/12/2017 12:31:55 AMMouth gritty, pits are sweaty Real gassy from mom's spaghetti . [spoiler]OP is kill?[/spoiler]
Anime... lego... night...?
If you stick things in your mouth , You deserve everything you get. Prepare for constipation,this will make sure you don’t do it again.
If you think you may have eaten something dangerous, call poison control. They'll tell you what to do.
Those weren't tums... your dad only told you they were.. [spoiler]hope your lower region is doing alright[/spoiler]
Have you tried Wii.com?
Can you come here and throw up in my mouth? I have wicked heart burn.
Stick d1ck in blender Turn blender on using candle wax Run around the house
Eat more Taco Bell and McDonalds so the effects cancel out.
Have you tried Xbox.com?
Should have went with Beano...
WhAt KiNd Of AnImE?¿
I got her bent over want me to just tell her