Looking for an active clan. Destiny is my main (and currently only lol) game I play. I'm hoping similar time zones will allow more active clan interaction!
Currently 290 warlock, working on a hunter.
If you're on PS4 you can join my clan, Caballl Busters, https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2471395. We're a chill clan of 4 active members and two who are saving for a PS4, always looking for chill people to play with.
Hi there, my clan (Order if Twilight Ravens) is currently looking for new members. We are a 17+ clan with about 22 members. We are all pretty active and looking for people to grow and become better players with. We are all pretty laid back and enjoy playing every aspect of the game. We have discord channel that we use to communicate and set up events such as raids. If you are interested please submit a request using the link below. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2670638