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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Codykins: 10/14/2017 1:03:45 AM

Destiny 2 - Shelved; My Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading my thread. Let me first start off by saying, that I have sifted through the toxicity of these forums for what will mark 10-Years in the coming months. Things never used to be as bad as they are now, but expectations and entitlement have pushed people to new lows, so take what you read ahead to your own liking, it is merely my insight, analysis, and opinions.. [b]EDIT NOTE #1:[/b] Thank you all for your words, wisdom, input, and thoughts. I appreciate the time and effort you've put into both taking the time to read my thread, and reply, good and bad. Didn't know this thread would take off the way it did. [b]EDIT NOTE #2:[/b] Perhaps some of you misunderstand, I'm not permanently quitting, I am shelving the game until things are fixed, preferably in the near future, or unless my friends message me to help them in activities. To those giving me the obligatory "Git Gud in D2", I have a 2.0~ K/D Ratio in both games, and I only Solo Queue unless my friends need help, thank you. This topic will culminate my final thoughts of Destiny 2, why I'm going back to Destiny 1, and why it is not only the biggest letdown I've ever had to my gaming history, but to why it is also a lifeless shadow/shell of Destiny 1. [url=]The game will now sit in my game room, as of tonight, as a collectors item, and nothing more[/url]. The only time I will play it now, is if somebody on my friends list personally wants/needs my help. Let's begin. I decided to log into Destiny 1 tonight and play 5 games of Crucible. [url=]I cannot even begin to explain how much better Destiny 1 not only feels after playing Destiny 2, but how it handles, and how much stronger, faster, and less held-back you feel. I felt like a god jumping into Control and quite literally slaughtering the enemy team single-handed.[/url] I had more fun again than I could put into words. Then I remembered Destiny 2 was a thing again. Bungie has literally watered down everything we ever loved about Destiny, in Destiny 2. Everything feels weaker, everything feels slower, everything feels forced. The truth of the matter is, while processing the hype, taking in the story-line (something we can all agree was better than Destiny 1's) and going through it all, many began to fathom the realization that there is essentially no end-game, no reason to grind after a certain period of time. I even deleted my Titan to make a second Warlock and ran through the Campaign, again... Then deleted my Hunter and lost motivation entirely after I created him again. I often find myself sitting in orbit thinking of SOMETHING to do to have fun in this game. Destiny 2 eliminates any sense of individuality that the first game presented, and instead tries to force us to cope with relying on people we don't even know, which in turn causes frustration. Bungie has essentially weakened everything to the point where it FORCES teamwork in order to even get through a casual Crucible match. Abilities take far too long to recharge (Even with EVERY piece of armor having the "Abilities recharge quicker when using <Subclass>", Supers take far too long to get, and feel significantly weaker now, due to energy weapons doing 1.5x damage to someone in their super (Honestly, who thought this was a good idea, especially since you essentially only get ONE super per game now, I could see it being viable if it was like D1, where you could get 3-4 supers per match). A lone guardian can now take someone out of their super with an energy auto rifle faster than if they didn't have their super active. That's extremely backwards, considering a super not only takes ages to charge, but is supposed to be...Well, Super. A not so-super choice, Bungie. PvE has almost nothing going for it when you bridge your power level at around 280, apart from the Raid - But wait, that essentially has nothing going for it either besides the smallest bit of vanity. Why do I say that you ask? The weapons have near-nothing special about them besides appearance, which brings me to the biggest problem this game faces: Fixed Rolls / Stats. Many assumed this would be a good thing, many assumed a bad thing. I've stuck with the bad, and for good reason(s). Fixed rolls have made this game extremely stale. Customization and Play-style have both been hindered and extremely limited by this simple thing. If you want specific traits (Resilience, Mobility, Recovery) you have to give up customization almost completely to get the stats you want. Not only that, but having fixed rolls / stats also has removed 95% of replayability. By removing rolls on weapons / armor, you've essentially removed almost any need to continue playing after you reach 305. Destiny 1 had it right; 3 Years, and there was still things to go for. Perk rolls made a gun or armor have dozens and dozens of possibilities; Dozens! You could essentially customize your ENTIRE playstyle, both gameplay and vanity wise. Like that armor? Get it to drop with the right stats you want and you could wear it doing whatever you pleased. Like that gun, but it has bad stats? No problem, get the right perks on it and you could fix / balance the stats out and make the gun usable and fit your play style needs. These things don't exist in Destiny 2. Bungie, you've essentially limited everything we're able to do, mainly for the sake of player-vs-player. Individuality in PvP is nearly gone, and you're forcing teamwork. Customization has been limited to the point where we have to sacrifice nice looking armor or weapons in order to obtain optimal gear for activities, due to perks and stats being fixed, Everything feels exponentially weaker, especially in PvP, everything is too slow paced, and you can essentially walk away from 1v1's if you're losing. I want to feel like I'm shooting more than a marshmallow gun at my enemies. PvE has non-existent replay value after you've completed the campaign / adventures, apart from Public Events, which is only used for farming exotics at this point, what little exotics there are. I mean, at this point, I have essentially almost every single legendary in the game vaulted right now, it's ridiculous. Also, Exotics feels extremely...Not-Exotic in this game. Even after Three of Coins became a thing in Destiny 1, atleast exotics felt superior over legendary gear. Not so much in this game. Things need to seriously change in this game, Bungie. I want to love this game, I really do, but...I just can't, not right now. According to logs, players are leaving this game faster than I've ever seen. Things needs to feel stronger, we need to feel less held-back, we need incentive to keep playing; Stuff to work for, stuff to grind for, stuff to desire. [u][b]I'll end with saying this:[/b][/u] Pop Destiny 1 back in your Xbox / Playstation, give it a try again for a day. I promise you won't regret it, I'm even deleting a character and starting anew. [b] Final Note: ALL the Playstation Exclusives are now available on Xbox on Destiny 1.[/b] Thanks for reading my thoughts. Remember, this is all opinion / insight. You'll know where to find me; On the game I love.

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  • finally someone who managed to criticize the game without being a douche. well put. i agree with every single thing you said. hopefully bungie is paying attention.

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    1 Reply
    • Agree. I also see what Bungie is really doing. First they whore themselves out to Sony. We Xbox fans get shafted. I suspect this was always meant to be, and will be soon, a pvp only game. It's pretty clear that the campaign writers all have ADD. Story is way too short. Besides, pvp only means they do less. Just finish the transition Bungie. Admittedly, I'm not great at pvp. I am getting better. But when there are so many laggers, it take any potential enjoyment out of the game. Why? Because over half the milestones are pvp, impossible nightfall, or a raid that takes way too long. Add that Bungie, with their lazy attitude, eliminated any possible way of proving laggers exist. Shelve it? It will likely end up in the trash can.

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    • Edited by autistic_lion22: 10/11/2017 2:37:49 AM
      My final Bungie game, I will still continue to play D2 for the sake of playing with friends. But unfortunately Bungie is not in the mindset for Destiny currently. They removed everything we loved in D1 and still gave us another half complete game. The sad part is when you go back to the time of ROI, people stated how Bungie completed their game by selling the parts to you in the form of dlc. And theoretically, D2 will be a rewind of it. I'm not pissed, just dissapointed. And guys, I hope you do the same, don't pre-order D3 until you hear that Bungie actually changed and made a really good Destiny sequel. Because once you pre-order and the game comes out shitty, Bungie won't give two shits after that, they get your money, they're golden.

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    • The game is -blam!-ed. On the other hand I still like shooting things.

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    • Couldn't have said it better myself. Your points on both PvP and PvE were concise and well stated. I see you already have an army of douchebags telling you to git gud but you're right. Put D1 in my system yesterday after almost two years and it practically brought a damn tear to my eye just to look at my characters and all of the righteous gear that I used to run around with for hours just for the shear fact that the game was gorgeous and I felt like a badass. I'd rather chew on the box that D2 came in than play it at this point.

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    • I too, have shelved D2. Bungie dropped the ball too many times.

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      6 Replies
      • Edited by CyberVVolf: 10/11/2017 3:16:31 AM
        Some things that need to get better: Amount of armor and gear-Everything is way too easy to get Make certain weapons very random with a low chance of dropping, so you feel good when you get a rare one. D2 is out for a month and everyone has the exact same armor and exact same weapons. Also would be nice to have some exotic quests that happen randomly like D1 instead of quests that are just handed to you like the class specific exotic quests. Very boring now! Vault is horrible-How can Bungie go backwards with the vault? In D1 the vault at least had tabs for weapons, armor and misc, but no its all just thrown together. Bad just bad! We need tabs for everything with more space or at least bring back kiosks, which is also another missing good idea from D1. Lost Sectors are meaningless- Very big missed opportunity here. Lost Sectors should have been actually very well hidden and only open at random times with random encounters, so when you actually find one you are excited. Inside should be a mini quest and puzzle that awards LS specific super rare gear. Think Elder Scrolls Online Solo Dungeons and have a difficulty setting or matchmaking for public lost sectors with different gear and enemies. Daily bounty and milestones are very repetitive- So far every week the PvE ( PvP is just as boring) milestone is go to a planet and do public events! How boring is that?? The events themselves are repetitive and predictable, but adding weekly rituals to them is just dumb. There should be a bounty system like D1 but more advanced and Milestones should be for completing actual Milestones of you game progress not repeating PE's over and over. The world of D2 should be a living breathing environment with constant change and unpredictability with things keeping us on our toes. Instead I feel like Mario jumping over Goomba over and over again! We have NPC's as points of contact on each planet only to turn in stupid tokens for low level gear and that's it? Where is the depth? Why not have specific weekly and daily bounties available from all planet and Traveler NPC's that we can pick and choose from and [u][i]Make Milestones like Commendations in Halo 4[/u][/i]? I always liked that system and feel that a similar system with milestones would work well in Destiny with shaders and gear attached to Milestones as unlocks. Hell even the Division added commendations to the game with update 1.7.. New shader system- The addition of adding shaders to everything is great, but making them a single use instead of unlocking is terrible. We should have a kiosk so we can see what we have unlocked and be able to apply them to your character whenever. Way to many re-skins- Same enemies as D1, to many carryover Exotics, same patrol missions, same Factions and all the faction gear is re skinned current planet rewards. Have some creativity! I agree that D2 is not what I expected either and I also will be shelving the game.

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      • Insane how they haven't responded or tried to do some damage control.

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      • 10/10. They needed to build on destiny 1 year 3, and not go back and create a prequel.

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      • Well said. Enjoy the game but agree with everything you said.

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      • Truth is we are no longer legend....simply equal....n it kinda sucks....

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        2 Replies
        • Queue the Bungie fanboys crying about how they think your opinion is stupid...

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        • Great post. Most of the community feels this way or at least for the most part they do. I haven't played D2 is a few days point. I played D1's crucible again a couple times and loved it. Even the OHK Shoulder Charge and stickies. I'll take it any day over D2.

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        • Edited by I Stay Trevy: 10/11/2017 3:50:29 AM
          Agree'd. Light 305, bored of the game. I played it for a couple weeks and am done. Very Disappointing. When I reached level 5 I got an exotic? Seriously? What a joke. Oh, I finish the raid get keys. When I go to open chest, I find out I don't have keys. Then research here shows they have no clue how to fix it. Joke, what a Joke. This game is better being melted for a water bottle in the ocean.

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        • Agreed. Wtf happened bungie.

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        • Agreed Got me feeling bad for having my cousin buy it ... smh

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        • I feel if they need to balance things for PvP then they should’ve just gone with a map specific weapon load out with spawn points throughout the map.

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          2 Replies
          • Uh oh he owns a Saladin toy looks like this child is serious.

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          • Agree on all points! To fix destiny they have to reduce cool down for grenades melee and super. Everyone should get 2 supers per match and good players could get 3. That's an easy fix. Exotics need to be buffed across the board. Exotics should drop less frequently. Easy fix and patch. The harder part for bungie to fix is to re introduce randomly rolled armor and weapons. There were no balancing issues with armor in D1 only weapons, so this decision never made sense to me... Just minimises customisation.

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            6 Replies
            • get rid of the paneling you will be much happier.

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            • Dude. Jesus. Commas bro.

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            • [i]QUOTE: Bungie, you've essentially limited everything we're able to do, mainly for the sake of player-vs-player. [/i] That was the issue. It was the issue that made me opt out of preordering D2 for a long time. I have a video on the subject on my Youtube channel; it features me dropping 20 Nova Bombs in the 7.5 minutes it took in the D2 beta to get one. Fun video to make, btw. Bungie savagely neutered everything to create maximum balance in PvP (and created a teamshot fest in the process), and the beta was not fun. I ended up getting the game as a birthday present, however, and I'm glad I did. By the PC beta and launch, Bungie had addressed a lot of the issues that made the beta what it was. I see in D2 a game that needs work, but a game that can be tweaked into awesomeness. The ONLY aspect of the game that's really low quality that couldn't be fixed with some tweaking is the cutscenes where your Guardian is a silent lump. I'm not even accepting the whole "we'd need six voice actors" thing, Nolan North could probably have done all three male ones and be totally unrecognizable doing it. When Doubles is a thing there, I may join you in D1. But, despite my concerns, I see in Destiny 2 a very good game. I love the raid, the story is their best yet, and there is a nice variety of activities (which will expand when the DLC kicks in). I still enjoy playing it. But by all means, if you like D1 better, go back. Bungie has kept it available for you.

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            • Edited by xJPerk: 10/11/2017 6:02:49 AM
              See ya when the dlc drops

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            • I'll be grinding for that spicy ramen xD

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            • Just play it casually. That's what I'm doing. I did EVERYTHING in D1. Now I just play a few times a week and play other games.

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            • I think you nailed it on the head. I've been forcing myself to play. I want to love it but I'm bored already.

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