Just curious what Offtopic has to say about this, because I've seen arguments fighting for both sides.
Also, if you post and make claims of what a religion says/teaches, please give verse references so others can read said verses as well.
Christianity Islam is an especially barbaric religion followed by tribal cults
In modern history obviously Christians, that doesn't mean Christianity doesn't have issues however.
I just wonder what made the first piece because something had to, and what created that, and so on forever.
Both can be very dangerous if taken out of context.
None of them. Not even Buddhism. Just let that sink in: there are violent Buddhists.
Islam doesn't give women rights and wants to kill al nonbelievers
Edited by Darth Turtle: 10/6/2017 10:07:13 PMThroughout history probably, Islam, the Muslims tended to follow the values of the time, to a point sometime in the 18th 19th century the Islamic world stalled a let the world pass them buy. They also tended to to follow the rules of war a lot better. In the modern period Christianity by far, The Islamic world has kind of stalled. It's a shame really, if you look deep into it's the most accepting of science and open to differing ideals. These days many of its followers are stubborn forthright and in some places down right Hostile to any ideas the believe are wrong. Its the biggest thing holding them back
IMO, both are pretty shitty to those who don't conform... Both of them are responsible for a good majority of lives taken, in attempts to convert others...
Religion has gotten out of hand in todays generaiton.
While I put Christianity, I have to say this: religion is a very binding thing that in it's most pure form will always contradict itself and put itself in conflict with other ideas. I am VERY loose when it comes to my beliefs. I have only a few core ideas: One is some God/thing of great power of sorts created everything at some point in time. The other is you can believe whatever the hell you want, just don't force it on me. If we just mind our own business, nothing bad should happen. I'm only gonna do anything if you try something first. That's about it. Just keep your beliefs to yourself, I'll do the same, and everything should go along smoothly.
Neither are exactly the greatest, and both have had particularly violent pasts. Considering the median of each religion, it's Christianity by a smidge. Islam's record regarding LGBT rights are up there with Christians (a bit worse, even), and their treatment and views of women are worse than even the callous views of the religious right. When you view the extremes, it's Christianity by a bigger margin. Considering a choice between Westboro Baptist Church and ISIS, I'd take the family of douchebags who deal a great deal of emotional pain, over the terrorist organization that deals physical pain, with emotional pain added from the aftermath. All religions have the right to exist, but the moment that religion infringes on the rights of others, it's not freedom any more. Which is the alarming thing about the stance that the Trump administration is taking.
Is this even a question?
Atheism and other related rationalities that are not fanatical of imaginary things.
Do you mean with regards to their religious text? Or how they practice their religion? Because those are two different things.