Okay I get it, you like destiny. But seriously, to have three characters all 300 power is insane. I have work all week, but still put in loads of time, yet only have one warlock at 274 😂 is there some secret I'm missing? Or is it just having a lot of time and grinding?
I work 45-50 hours a week and have 3 characters over 300 one at 305. One thing I did make a hunter or titan as you already have a warlock do the story hit level 20 move all high weapons over don't have to use them just keep them in inventory. Do public events for about an hour this should get new character higher power than first then do blue quest the exotic quest not the one on Io repeat steps on 3rd character make sure they are all different move all high power weapons to warlock when done and do milestones should make it to 300 pretty quick