What should be an enticing perk is neither visually interesting or effective. Enemies have to practically be stacked atop one another to see any collateral effect and even then it's only a threat to the lowliest of trash mobs.
And let's look at appearances beyond that. It looks like a very cheap lens flare texture that appears for a couple of frames! You can't tell if it is proccing or not!
Please improve upon this trait, Bungie. Firefly was one of the most revered perks in Destiny 1 and it deserves a worthier successor than this.
It's hard to understand why the nerfed it, it was never a competitive perk in pvp so what's the problem with it? You're right about the visual effect as well, it makes it impossible to tell the actual range of the AoE.
It's not firefly, so it's just another new trash perk. WTB random weapon perks
The Raid scout has full auto and dragonfly...I was excited then quickly got disappointed in the dragonfly perk. It's nearly pointless.
Agreed, best crowd control mechanic was reduced to a visual joke.
It is really bad, nothing comparable to Firefly from D1, just a visual explosion.
Hopefully if fwc wins the faction war I'll finally have a weapon with fire fly so I can chime in. However I have had the gravitron lance and it's explosions are very sub par but I feel that's it's because of how far back the explosion is pushed for some reason.
I was always looking for Firefly/Outlaw or Firefly/CC on my Satan -blam!-rs or Cryptic Dragons
Sunshot is the only explosion on death weapon in the game worth equipping ATM.
Firefly>Dragonfly by a lot! At least the Sunshot’s unique perk acts more like firefly did
Agreed, i was excited to find a scout with dragonfly then immediately disappointed when i found out it did almost nothing.
Agree; def needs a buff...