In my opinion. "Rolls" should come in mods, some extremely rare depending on the usability. Make them first column mods, second column, etc. Let us chase and farm these mods, and collect components alongside them, giving us reasons to kill a couple of dregs for certain parts, or harpies to make that fusion rifle accelerated coil work. We have so many slots for farmables, yet they're under used.
Give us a reason to grind man.
Mods are currently terrible. At first i was like, ah mods i see, ill be able to save and customize my gear to my game play. Then i realized all they do is enhance weapon handling or something else worthless. Where is reload speed, charge rates, firefly etc. Sure itd be a balance nightmare, but finding mods to make weapons how you want.
It wouldn't be if pvp and pve were separate. And it is already done in game certain ghosts have perks that only effect pvp. Make the gun have perks that are only available for pvp, you can have whichever perk you want for pve but in pvp the guns are the same now you can balance and still give a desire to chase god roll. At least for pve They could just make each gun with specific rolls not really random but each gun could be different. They could still balance it because each roll is not rng it is controlled, but it is rng which roll you get. Just feels like dev team took easy way out to fix problems in d1.
I'd love to be able to stick explosive rounds on a high RoF auto or pulse.
Dude, YES! I love the unified understanding!