Just stop,
The random rolls was the biggest issue with D1. It rewarded playing the same activity too much to find a imago loop with Litc and Icarus, then go into a PVP activity and 2 shot people. There were so many balance issues.
Bosses were sponges all over the place, mechanics were sometimes non existent, and the grind was super artificial if it was only for god roll weapons.
You prefer deleting everything once you've had it drop? You prefer all engrams being duplicate deletes instantly?
No, some are infusion fuel for other weapons of the same archetype. I prefer not to have non sense god roll weapons that two shot people or become a nauseating grind.
I agree, I'm completely fine with the static rolls.
And people had a ton of fun. People LIKED grinding for the perfect weapon to dominate in pvp. Its crybabies like you that ruined this game.
and some didn't...
[quote]and some didn't...[/quote] Some preferred getting handed everything and participation medals.....
Some of us have actual jobs and use video games to relax in the few hours we have between getting off work and going to bed. The last thing anyone wants to do is come home from their job and feel like the thing they're supposed to be doing to relax and unwind is literally a 2nd job that takes just as much time. Say what you want, but I don't wanna work 10 hours to come home and have to grind the same strike over and over for hours on end just to maybe get a weapon to drop that probably has shit perks 95% of the time. I want to spend the little time I have enjoying the experience, not farming endlessly because the developers need to find a way to arbitrarily extend content.
My only point was the former poster makes it seem as if everyone agrees with him to validate his point. Such is not the case.