Blah- Viable for what, sweaty Trails? What people are supposed to go charging in against scout/snipers with an auto/shottie?
Don't be silly. Why people use the standard of the most elite type activities to measure a weapons viability is ridiculous because it ignores the vast majority of activities.
When I say viable I'm talking about a persons playstyle and activity.
A person who prefers wild spray and pray may focus on impact, reload and clip size. Guns that lean towards accuracy with reduced rof and clip size will never be useful to them.
The rolled stats removes that, making most autos viable depending on the roll. Giving you more options and more chances to get a good viable weapon.
I know the pain of getting a bad roll doesn't mean you make make static guns with bad stats just to tier the weapons. That's artificial inflation by intentionally giving you crap.
Sweaty TRAILS are the worst... and the fact that people did all the raids using NLB shows that pvp was the only thing that really needed decent weapons.
No the abuse of a few guns doesn't negate all of the others that are great and very effective. People can cheese, that is always an issue with complex gear systems. Min/max. I play with what feels great. An Arminius-D for 320 strikes l, Grim Citizen III for Heroic and Nightfall. Always my Jabberhakke-D solar sidearm. First s rocket launcher then Sol Edge then finally Young Wolfs Howl. That my set day to day for pve and pvp. So NLB was never and issue, my sniper rifle was some nonspecial purple just had good reload speed.
I'm talking about how raids were done so easily shows that pvp was the real thing to strive for, and using anything other that the "meta weapons" made you a detriment to your team, it's shitty but it's the truth.