[XBOX] Doomsday Rabbits welcome all solo, casual, part-time Guardians. If you have a small clan and would like to join in with other small clans message me and I'll invite you and your clan.
Invite Capt Kyros and TheMikeAwakens
Hello, got the game yesterday so will be on daily for the forseeable. gt: Chilling Guy HMU
Hello there, can I join :) active player looking for a home GT : Shirakyoto
Interested in joining a clan. Casual but regular player. Play with two others that may join as well. GT PhoggyJayhawk on XB1.
Interested in joining this clan, solo player but I play a decent amount. 260 hunter currently - Mexican Predtor
I would love an invitation to your clan and I have two other friends who probably would as well :)
I'd love to join. I'm pretty active but mostly solo so far.
Need a clan with active members add me GXB0963
would love to join
I'd like to join please!
Inv please
Invite please. 287 Titan
Was gonna join but you're full now :( I seen Minnesota Nice and was like damn! My State! If you are able to still invite I'm interested!
Invite Please! 270 Hunter
Invite CougarDeathCry if you have spots open please. I'm new to destiny and looking for some help/fun people to get into it with.
Would like to join 283 Hunter:)
Please invite diirtybird14
plz invite
Would like to join
Invitation please ? Lvl 253 warlock
Invite lvl 225 Titan: gamertag DevRosa
I would like to join in on your clan. I'm mostly a casual player and usually play solo games. If you still have any spots open I would appreciate it.
Our small clan is interested in joining. (3) guardians. Highest lvl 292. Let me know if you have room for all three of us.
[quote][XB1]Doomsday Rabbits welcome all solo, casual, part-time Guardians. If you have a small clan and would like to join in with other small clans message me and I'll invite you and make you admin so you can invite your clan.[/quote] I just reached power 280 and am just deciding on a clan, I’m average at the raid and know the mechanics and I’m a really good sport, I’d love to join the clan - AS Boldyboy UK.
Solo guardian here, been a solo player since day 1 of destiny 1, but am currently bored of solo play, I have a 287 warlock, 280 Titan and 277 hunter, happy to help with all aspects of the game, I live in the UK but only play daytime as I work nights, if that fits around your “game time” then I’m happy to join,
Would love an invite if you have a spot! GT: TheDude91769267 on xbone