Let's be honest, nobody truly misses the ridiculous grind for god rolls. The chase was fun, but it was too much. Yes, getting a god roll was an amazing feeling, but the grind for them was maddening. What if we could bring back the chase for god rolls with more controllable RNG?
We can. You just have to make mods that have perks.
Example: Kinetic Weapon Mod - Outlaw
Example: Energy Weapon Mod - Triple Tap
Example: Kinetic Weapon Mod - Kill Clip
Example: Leg Armor Mod - Carry More Heavy Ammo
Make them only drop from the nightfall, or prestige something, or hardmode something. Make them hard to find. Make them exotic.
just MAKE them.
This will not only give people back "the chase", a reason to keep playing in the end game, but it will let us customize the weapons we love into being the weapons we adore.
One small addition to the game is all it will take to give people a reason to keep grinding.
What do you guys think?
Really bad idea
It would create a greater gap in PvP. Casual players who can't farm prestige modes would not get the mods as you proposed it and so they'd get crushed even easier in crucible, leading to more calls for nerfs.
I would be surprised if these were "exotic" mods. Next level mods coming in first DLC type thing.
Right, now listen up Bungie! Take this guardians idea turn them into exotic mods and implement this NOW! It would help in so many ways More loot to grind for. Adds variety to weapons while keeping static rolls (something the seem intent on keeping) They could even go one step further and add exotic mod components as drops for certain activities (don't we all want a reason to go into lost sectors??)
I think they already have this planned and in future DLC we will start seeing legendary gear with more than one mod slot.