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9/24/2017 8:13:28 AM

I'm happy with even more difficult raid mechanics, BUT . . .

[b]Bungie, please let us enter the raid solo and practice each mechanic on our own time.[/b] The pressure of having to go into a raid live and blind (even if you've watched a video - it's not the same thing) is what breeds a lot of toxicity in the community. The Shadow Realm is a perfect example of this. Currently, the [i]only[/i] way to practice this and familiarise yourself with it and perfect it, is to do it live and waste everyones time as you deal with every unexpected situation that results in death. This causes frustration for everyone, and it instills insecurity in the person, resulting in them not wanting to run that section at all, until they can find a patient group willing to help them learn. While that sounds like it should be easy to find, just get onto [url][/url] and look at the attitude of 90% of the posts there. TL;DR More difficulty in end-game content is great. I love this raid so far, but PLEASE allow people to practice each mechanic on their own time before entering the raid live with a group of randoms.

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