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Edited by SquattingTurtle: 9/22/2017 4:43:27 AM

Dawnblade feedback (I'd really appreciate if Bungie could acknowledge this)

[u][b]Cons:[/b][/u] -I don't see the use in the upper attunement. Being a flying target is a big no no in PvP. -Icarus dash cooldown is way too slow, its only use is to confuse a real player but you will probably be dead by the time you use it -The base melee ability to slightly burn somthing is vastly underwhelming for a space wizard -The VERY small/weak firefly explosion only works if its a killing blow -Reloading fast after a melee is very boring, also once you melee someone its pretty much going to end as a melee fight. No need to reload during a melee fight in most cases. -Like all stickes, i don't see the use in it. The time it takes to stick someone is time that is spent getting shot at for equal damage. [u][b]Pros:[/b][/u] -Fated for flame/everlasting fire are good for killing groups of ads -being in the air is fun though it makes you a hugs target -Phoenix dive is fun when just goofing around [u][b]Suggestions:[/b][/u] -Consider making the base melee abilty a nicely sized cone shaped AOE burn/knockback that you have to hold RB to use up (like voidwalkers charging their nade) -Consider making the dawnblade a little more resilient/accurate while airborne -Drastically shorten then Icarus dash cooldown (balance it like you did blink its practically the same thing only blink is more effective) -Bring back sunsinger as a third attunement (without the self rez perhaps, i never cared for it). I just want to set the map on fire while offering support to my allies. [u]3rd attunement Idea:[/u] [quote]I: Solar Wind: Hold R1 to charge a cone of solar wind. Pushes enemies back with a light burn effect. II: Radiance: Can no longer shoot projectiles from magical space sword. All abilities have vastly reduced cooldowns while Daybreak(radiance) is active. III: Song of Flame: Allies near Daybreak while active have slightly(but noticeable) reduced ability cooldowns IV: Your rift now grants Allies an overshield (Sticks with them as they move away and lasts 9 seconds) Alternate IV: Your Rift slightly Reduces you and your ally's cooldowns while standing in it. [/quote]

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