Why is having alternate characters of the same class penalized? I have two warlocks and one hunter. I do not like to play Titan and I'm wondering why I'm being punished for having two of my favorite class. The excuse that it doesn't force people to make three of the same class is pitiful. You're given the choice to make different classes and there's almost no penalty to that. But when you want two characters of the same class we're bent over and not allowed to progress at the rate that is possible.
Bungie does not want you to play Destiny 2 with three of the same class, with the other two being used as workhorse mules to generate infusion fuel to crank up the level of your main with a constant fiesta of gear switching
I agree, I wish Bungie had not done this. I periodically played T-T-H, and was considering doing so again. Indeed, my chief reason for creating a warschlock was because I came up with a song about Nova Bombs and I needed some live D2 footage for the montage. May still do that. But sounds like I'd better max out my Titan first.
you mean why have they decided that you can't have an easier time leveling up that second hunter.. the answer is that nobody who plays other classes can cross infuse to help them level up.. so neither can you.. it doesn't penalize you at all.. it actually ensures you dont have the advantage you wanted.
how exacly are you penalized?