The Guardians of the Galaxy are looking for new members of all kinds. Whether you're a solo player, a group of friends looking for a place to call home, or anything in between, you're welcome here. We only ask that members be mature, 18+ (since most of us like to talk/swear freely), and friendly.
There are no expectations when you join. You can run guided games if you'd like, just hang out in the clan with the coolest name in the game (according to at least one really drunk guy in 2014), get groups together for events, etc. We like to run raids, do Trials, do Nightfalls, and run Crucible frequently.
Leave a comment if you'd like an invite, leave a like if you feel like it. :)
See you on the battlefield, guardians.
EDIT: Phew. We filled up fast. Thanks for all the interest everyone. I'll change the joining method to require approval, so if you still want to join, just apply that way and if these invites don't accept, I'll add you as I can. Thanks again.
I'd like to join 278 titan!
I would like to join. I mostly play titan, currently around 291 power. I'm just looking for a chill group for raids and night falls .
I would like to join. Deathan1620
260 Light level hunter want to join
Hey, i would like to join. Active player. PSN ID: Drulipop Thanks!
:( My clan left me. Need new friends :)
I would like to join 300 titan very active myPSN is LAZ899
Yo! Titan Level 267 here. Really like playing the game and looking for a clan now. Wanna try Nightfall/Raids etc soon. No mic but good teamplayer nonetheless. Always in for some PVP. PSN: Bombadillo_
I would like to join PSN: Lowenbrau113
I would love to join if that's still cool! More of a casual player. PSN: Phantom_Peacock
Edited by Colecanoe: 9/21/2017 8:58:53 PMI'd like to join please psn:colecanoe
I would like to join PSN: Crack_213
My daughter calls me Drax, so I basically belong here.... PSN - Mellowmouse628 Thanks for your time
Me and my friend would like to join. My PSN - ImSuperiority His PSN - Vozept Thanks.
PSN: Sisric :) New to Destiny but really enjoying it so far!
Would like to join PSN: Thepurplehippo Thanks
Would like to join Psn: andres_per Thanks
psn name: wkingc
Would really like to join please: Stryd3r_1_
Psn name - Laidech
PSN hheeccttoorr send invite pls
May I join would like to experience what a clan is like
I would like to join
like to give the clan a try
I would like to join