The Guardians of the Galaxy are looking for new members of all kinds. Whether you're a solo player, a group of friends looking for a place to call home, or anything in between, you're welcome here. We only ask that members be mature, 18+ (since most of us like to talk/swear freely), and friendly.
There are no expectations when you join. You can run guided games if you'd like, just hang out in the clan with the coolest name in the game (according to at least one really drunk guy in 2014), get groups together for events, etc. We like to run raids, do Trials, do Nightfalls, and run Crucible frequently.
Leave a comment if you'd like an invite, leave a like if you feel like it. :)
See you on the battlefield, guardians.
EDIT: Phew. We filled up fast. Thanks for all the interest everyone. I'll change the joining method to require approval, so if you still want to join, just apply that way and if these invites don't accept, I'll add you as I can. Thanks again.
Psn is HeatSeeka44, please invite
Can I get an invite please. PS4 kembla. Cheers!
302 Titan. Can I get an invite?
If there’s any room left I’d like to join! PSN : StagattoVII
I would like to join I play everyday psn : Ras_Donkiller
I'm JoizCSH I will like to join de clan , I'm feel boring playing solo and I'm Malaysian Chinese ,I will like to joining a team to play with
Inv please!
Edited by thewisescot: 9/22/2017 4:50:36 AMI am a level 20 warlock at power level 275 and am very active. I would love to join your clan. My username is: thewisescot
I would like to join your clan my warlock is at 270. GT: Temnpest
I would love an invite, I'm an active player, looking for a helpful clan. My psn is JornsonAlphanorn
I would like to join please. I Raid and try and do everything in destiny weekly, my IGN is IKeelYux
I would like an invite add Calen_LB
[quote]The Guardians of the Galaxy are looking for new members of all kinds. Whether you're a solo player, a group of friends looking for a place to call home, or anything in between, you're welcome here. We only ask that members be mature, 18+ (since most of us like to talk/swear freely), and friendly. There are no expectations when you join. You can run guided games if you'd like, just hang out in the clan with the coolest name in the game (according to at least one really drunk guy in 2014), get groups together for events, etc. We like to run raids, do Trials, do Nightfalls, and run Crucible frequently. Leave a comment if you'd like an invite, leave a like if you feel like it. :) See you on the battlefield, guardians. EDIT: Phew. We filled up fast. Thanks for all the interest everyone. I'll change the joining method to require approval, so if you still want to join, just apply that way and if these invites don't accept, I'll add you as I can. Thanks again.[/quote] Hey there. Sounds like my kind of people I like to rock Destiny with. If there's room I'd love to get down! Been on Destiny since back when it first came out, so I'm pretty decent, but don't take things TOO seriously. I'm all aboot having fun. I'm Whiskeymystic on PS4. Thanks yo!
add if you can please - Apoko4913
Ill join if you have an opening
If you got a free slot. Sign me up. I am active and pretty much love all destiny content. I'm versatile on everything
If you ever have a free slot, xVOTOx21 is my psn
PSN ID: gviswana lvl 250 warlock
298 hunter and 292 warlock please invite
PSN ID: StylishHokie21
Hi, I'd like to join your clan. GT is SmashDream. I'm a Warlock currently at level 10. I've only been playing for two days and I'm hooked.
hi there. I would like to join your clan! Warlock 290+ light. PSN: SomethinggClever Thanks
hi i would like to join your clan