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Clan Recruitment

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9/14/2017 6:33:31 PM

Come join our clan! (Xbox One: The Crimson Shadows)

Join our clan guys! [u][b]Clan Name:[/b] [/u] The Crimson Shadows Founder of Clan/GT (for quick add): Raamzic [u][b]OR[/b][/u] [b]URL Link: [/b] We've been around since Destiny 1 released days. Originally a 3 member fireteam/private only, we decided to open it up for public just last year. The system of clans for Destiny 2 has changed dramatically and it sounds uber cool now with achievements and such. So come join! [u][b]We are:[/b][/u] - A pretty laid back clan. - Open to ANYONE at all levels - Most of us grind the usual strikes, public events, crucibles, etc. for rewards - Skills/Experience doesn't matter. We all started unskilled/don't know WTF we're doing - Most of us are online at random days/hours, but definitely online on most Fridays and throughout the weekend (some of us work FTE office jobs and some are college/high school students with part time jobs) - We are competitive mostly on crucibles' Trials/Curse of Osiris and Raids Come Join! xQuicksilv3rGX [b]<--[/b]XBL GT

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