Not sure if it was a bug or perhaps a mistake somewhere on our end, but I was in a fireteam of two about to do a Meditation for Ikora. Other player was fireteam leader, ran off to start it while I checked my inventory. Off we go and smash it out. At the end, at no point did I receive rewards for it. No vanguard tokens to hand in, nothing. It was the first meditation for the day, and for the week, for both of us.
Was this a glitch? Or was this just me being a dumb stupid guy and missing something?
Did you yourself select the meditation as well? If you don't have the meditation your self then you don't get the rewards even if you complete it in a fire team My problem so far is it's been the same 3 missions for over 2 weeks now, six, looped,utopia.....cone on already.