Way to go Bungie, bending the knee to a SJW crybaby snowflake idiot. So one person cries about the appearance of an item in your video game and you change it? You are changing my favorite armor set because of ONE person?! What you should have said is, "if it offends you, don't play our game". Instead you gave into political correct bullsh*t. It's also laughable that you think pepe or the kekistan flag has anything to do with white nationalists, maybe use this thing called the internet to do some research next time. You have lost so much respect in my eyes as well as a lot of others. Stop aligning yourself with leftist agendas and stay neutral, you're a game company, not a political organization. Can't wait for all the salty alt-left tears when they see this. In response to what they are going to say, no, I will not stop playing because I'm not a snowflake who is offended by everything. Just here to let bungie know how disappointed I am in them, since apparently one random has that much influence in their decision making process.
Im sitting her like wtf does alt left n right mean xD Like who gives a shit Just move on with life, people get so upset with this for no reason
Wow, that's really sad, but are you honestly surprised at how foolish, reactive, and stupid bungle is, after 3+ years of their repeated mistakes? This is sadly hilarious but also par for bungle. Cringe betas acting like cringe betas. No surprises here.
They are located in Seattle, what do you expect? I'm surprised there is not a trigender whale women faction handing out snowflake tokens for reporting silly jokes as KKK propoghanda.
I was part of the betab but BUNGIE seriously?! Don't do that again for a millenial
its called avoiding a PR disaster, you could've realised that if you just used your brain for a second instead of being on the lookout for excuses to shit on the left 24/7
Edited by xSinicle: 9/14/2017 7:45:38 AMI KNOW racists play destiny so bungo should just shut down destiny all together. So na zis can now be in official groups to plot complete genocide over the alien races in destiny. Way to go bungie, you arent hiding anything by taking away a gauntlet color scheme that resembles a satirical flag that has nothing to do with racism....Err, I mean - REEEEEEE!!!!
Yes remove the color red since the communist like Mao Zedong and Stalin flew red flags that killed 100 million people while Kekistan kills 0.
Petition to remove the white, red, and black, since the [url=http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law]-godwinslaw!-[/url] party used them.
Yea I'm more upset over the fact that they finally opened up nightfall to matchmaking but require some gay ass key to queue. And then only give them to half the community
Completely agree. Kekistan is satirical... People are quick to cry about shit they don't even know about. This game really needs to be rated M instead of T...
Soon enough, they're going to let you decorate your guardian with strap-ons, just so they can cater to the 1%.
Wait I'm confused, what happened?
You seem upset. To put this simply, Bungie likely noticed it FIRST. They changed it because they are a company; a company needs to have a positive image to continue making money. A company needs money
What armor was it? And how is it offensive?
Wow someone is offended that someone else was offended. You're exactly the same as the first person who was offended.
Despite your ads backwards, ironic views, we love you and hope you don't lose sleep over this. Xoxo
So a few vanity color patterns got removed a few peices of armor or just the one and that's so it took to piss off republicans and incels and the racist white surprenicy idiots... dsnt it seen kinda sad, then blame the alt left, the made up group that dsnt exist, and mellenials, the bitch out go to for people to place blame and create a metaphorical boogeyman to explain how the world reached the way it is now, cuz of the people that's been here for 20 or so.. U guys are sad
As far as I'm aware, they didn't actually remove anything.
Oh boo who cry me a river
Looking for 2 people for raid. 270+ msg xcfx baller for inv. Xbox one
You're a snowflake for complaining like you're doing in this post! How do you get internet connection in the hills by the way?
Would you like some tissues TC?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. We'd have the same amount of posts of the exact opposite message if they left the armor piece alone.
Yeah pretty sad and laughable that something that started on wow and 4chan is now "offensive" enough to get removed from the game. You def lost respect in my eyes Bungie. Way to fall for all the "political correctness" bullshit when it really basically started as a meme. Dumbasses. Destiny 2 is -blam!-ing amazing though. Y'all just continue to make this game bad ass and I won't give ya too much flack.
Wtf are you going on about?