Wouldn't it be great to have the sassy, double personality AI as our ghost? I'd think it'd be a great option to either make a separate ghost shell that replaces Nolanbot with Failsafe or a selectable customization option.
"I'll be your ghost!... ...but I'm going to be super unpleasant about it..." -DarkGhostPixel, Reddit
Edit: Ah! My first trending post! Thanks, Guardians! If you have any other ideas, feel free to discuss them :)
Edit 2: I've been seeing a lot of "No, she's annoying" posts. The whole point of this was for it to be an option, not a replacement.
Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel
Maybe Failsafe could hack the ghost temporarily but as a permanent voice I think the novelty would soon fade.
this would be amazing! Hey guardians check out my xbox clan https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=2133776
At this point anything would be better than Nolan North but Failsafe would be awesome to have.
*SPOIL ALERT* Or bring the traveler back through the ghost
Failsafe is love
Can my Ghost be as Strong and Silent as my Guardian?
How about give our ghost the voice from house of wolves?? Yessssss
No No No No No No. After dealing with Ordis on Warframe for countless hours I have had my fair share of double personality AI and it's super annoying. Keep Nolanbot.
Can I get Rick from Rick and Morty. Specifically Pickle Rick.
I actually really like fail safe. Maybe in D3 that would be possible.
-blam!- no. Why do people like the cheesy/annoying dialogue so much for?
I would love for failsafe to be my friendly ghost.
Failsafe ghost... Wheatley ghost... Glados ghost... BUNGIE... PLEASE...
I want ghost mods because not every titan wants to do crucible.
I want bungie to make Ghost's script available for free so I can record the lines myself so I can be my guardian AND my ghost.
Ah snap, that would be so dope. This needs to be a thing now
Yes please, I would totally love failsafe as my ghost
Yes I completely agree, probably my favorite new character. But that guy Asher did way too many drugs back in high school. Like, seriously, he needs a doctor.
Ya..and we need to have in different language too. This is a repetitive game. When we finish the game..we already know all what the Ghost going to say. Its fun if we put in different language that we don't understand...just like in GPS.
Ghost Voices I would pay for: 1- Jarvis 2- Uncensored sarcastic Samuel L Jackson 3- Scarlett Johansson