Like the video explains most people are making a mistake at the end of the game when accepting the exotic engram! Do not take this, but let yourself grow in power level while its easy first. Once you reach a much higher power level and it is harder to gain ground then go pick it up! This will help you tremendously!
Edited by Horacio Crux: 9/10/2017 5:26:39 AMI got a 221 Sweet Buisness, my favorite exotic from the beta, and it help me out because I finished the campaign at 176 power level.
Destiny 1 3 Year Veteran The "VIPERS Of Lightning" is an Expert player clan, and we accept new players, and we help ANY player at ANY skill level increase their skills, and their abilities. Our Motto, "The Strong help the weak, and the Weak become Strong" is our goal for our clan, making it our purpose as a clan to help player improve in all aspects of the game, and we will ot stop working until everyone is satisfied with their skills. Our Banner and Name, "VIPERS" meaning we are fierce and have a BITE. Our "Of Lightning" means we are quick, and ruthless to any enemies, and we are a flash of light, with blinding, unimaginable power, we strike down our foes. The last, our founder, signifies Grace, Leadership, and most importantly, power. We hope you join, our Founder Group link:
Huh, Did I sleep thru this? Did we have a choice?
What do you get when dismantling an exotic?
I hate these post , play and open how you like . Yes there are some good strategies but don't get hung up on chasing lite . There are all kinds of gear to claim . Lite will come in time no sense trying tell everybody how to level up just play the game !
Too late.
I was level 261 when I finished the campaign anyway
Not a mistake. Could be an awesome weapon/armor. Dlc 1 comes out in 3 months already. Raid next week. IB next month. Trials next week. Many loot chances to rank up.
Yep hold off until lvled, currently on 284/5
too late(thankfully i have 2 other toons, i plan on transfering the engram over if that's possible) I got some stupid titan chest anyways(that one that auto loads your auto rifle. im sorry game? i use pulse rifles, not full autos)
Edited by JimbohSlyce: 9/9/2017 4:27:39 PMSorry but I wouldn't trade my Orpheus Rigs for anything <3
I'm very pleased with my 293 Mida ;-)