Bungie is raising awareness and you can even get a cool pin and [url=https://www.bungie.net/pubassets/100207/harveyrelief_emblem.jpg?cv=3983621215&av=2127925072]emblem [/url]for Destiny 2 if you donate to the Bungie store. You can click on this link [url=http://bungiestore.com/products/destiny-2-bungie-foundation-collectible-pin-with-emblem]here [/url]to see if you can help via the bungie store.
We will appreciate all the help that Houston can get.
Thank you.
Wait... You all know that thread forums aren't the place for help... right? This is the place to come, where you're told, "Git gud!", and "Adapt!" So, in keeping with the spirit of the Destiny Forums... Hey Houston, Git gud and Adapt! ;) jk