As the screen says "Siva empowers the guardians light" I randomly thought of this theory while playing aksis hard mode.
What happens when you stun aksis?
Some may say simple, you just discharge some kind of voltage into him.
But, you actually send [i]your[/i] light into his legs.
You see , your light is empowerd, so every time you stun aksis, a tiny bit of your ligt goes away.
Same happens when you supercharge, your light is so powerfull, you can share it with others.This also means that [i]we [/i] can give light, not just the traveler.
It also means that while we fight aksis, we are slowly getting merged with siva.
"Inspired by BraveCole's post " The aksis challenge is impossible"
Sorry for poor spelling, still getting used to this small keyboard.