I know that D1 has come to an end but still I would appreciate if out there there is any experienced player who could help me understand what am I doing wrong when trying to counter handcannons.
I'm using Blind Perdition adept + wormwood/ice breaker and in average I'm always loosing encounters against handcannons unless I manage to put enough distance and kill fast (rare).
Please no obvious/ridiculous suggestions such as "radar awareness" or "aim better" or "that's the meta bro, grab a Palindrome yourself"...I already know that but I'm sure my gun is not that bad and I've seen lots of good players doing much better than me against the meta. When I tried asking them they don't know what to say.
Anyone willing to help?
HC have the lowest time to kill if remember correctly. At least the Pali arche type And it's an easy 3-tap so there isn't really anything you can do about it.