Well? What do ya say?
I feel bad for the 15 percent who voted no, apparently people are too stupid and blindly believe alt-right nonsense. Hatred towards anyone based on who they are instead of what they have done wrong is just plain wrong and generalising is stupid too as there is no way a few people would represent a whole group of people
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion weather I agree with it or not.
Is this even debatable???
Nachis are an oppressed minority. Americans only hate them because they're socialists and America hates free stuff.
Who the -blam!- answered no? Naziism is reprehensible AF. All supremacist and collectivist ideologies are.
True, National Socialism is Socialism.
According to #offtopic, N@zi's are great, and anyone that disagree's with them (or Trump) are horrible racists that hate white people and want to destroy Amerika.