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Edited by Darran: 8/6/2017 4:42:42 PM

Bungie confirms player progress to carry over to sequel

[quote]Bungie has clarified with IGN even further saying that yes, your progress will 100% carry over to the sequel. [/quote] [quote]The idea is that the Guardian you have created is something you can bring along with you on that adventure. If you take a look at the way people have played other games for a long period of time, they've had a relationship with the same character for a very long time.[/quote] Edit: Added link to interview with DeeJ

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 8/9/2017 5:45:40 PM
    Plans change. If that's a problem then don't play MMOs. I never expected anything but my character to carry over.

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    • Edited by Xl Mosi lX: 8/9/2017 9:05:20 PM
      Since the post is so old characters brought over will start from no light beginning in this sequel ... This means only your beautiful likeness is to be brought forward as everything else is destroyed leaving you a naked ,lifeless shell of a guardian with new beginnings.... Starting a new Destiny for the shell of a guardian you created. There will be Emblems for all Destiny players which will be shown as how much grind and work your character went through from day one or wherever you started your journey... so all guardians will start from brand new perspective .. Destiny 2 we await Personally can't wait itching to get new quests, strikes,raids roll on 6/9/2017

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    • Actually, the post does bring up a very valid point. Right now, luke any company with an upcoming product, Bungie are making bold claims. There is nothing wrong with this. However, look at what was promised in 2014, compare it with 2017 then use that to temper any expectations generated by their current hype train.

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    • there was never a 10 year plan. There was never any overarching story that was gonna reach across games. Anything Bungie's ever said about the "franchise" has been total crap. LIke saying LOST had a plan. They just don't care. They'll continue pushing out garbage, cutting content for DLC, making DLC way overpriced, adding micro transactions. It's all about the money and it will always be about the money. If D2, or D3, or D4, stop making money, or under-perform, they'll throw out any future concept or general ideas for the rest of this and more on. I trust Bungie as much as I trust any vast corporation, or our government. Not a word of what anyone says is truth until you see the final product. It's all lies, fake, and half truths to try to get you to buy the product.

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      7 Replies
      • I wouldn't want to even if I could from either of my accounts.

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      • This is a 2014 article man. Sorry bro.

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        2 Replies
        • Cool .. 400 light level.!! Don't even have to level. Hell yeah.!! BS..I'm creating all new.

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        • It seems clear to me. Deej stated that you can bring your guardian forward, which is what they are doing. IGN wrote the title. Get salty with them if you find it misleading.

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        • I won't be carrying over to the sequel.

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          • This is from 2014....things have changed only thing carrying over is your guardian that's it.

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          • I was excited about that earlier, now I'd rather make a new character.

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          • [quote]7 DEC 2014[/quote] Bungie saying one thing but doing another... Sounds like they could be the next Donald Trump.

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            • It would be really nice if Bungie made a small icon for our characters in game, that when clicked on would give our stats and other important information. Like hours played, k/d ratio's world rankings. It would be just a simple little bit of noninteractive code introduced into the game code for our toon screens. Simple, sublime and not a big feat. But would do wonders for making longtime guardians want to still play the game. But I guess that goes against Bungies ethics of making all guardians equal to the lowest common denominator. Goodness gracious me! We wouldn't want to offend all the casuals with actually having to play the game for any real amount of time.

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              • Read title and OP username and new it'd be some shit posting about Bungie. I'd almost think you're being paid by a competitor company to bash this one. Really you don't say anything positive on these forums, ever. And you acting like a spoiled kid who didn't get what he wanted doesn't do anything. They made changes. If you're open minded stick around and try them. If not then go do something else other than just spreading negativity. Play other games, see your family and friends, date someone. But you seriously need to do something with your life other than just be bitter all the time on bnet.

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              • Unfortunately if you think about the text of the article alone, not what you think "progression" means, DeeJ was right. Your character will carry over. Your "progression", as he tells it, will carry over in the place of emblems for your accomplishments. If you assumed progression would be K/D, weapons, vault, shaders, ships, etc., then you thought wrong. I don't blame you for the assumption. You are linking to an article that is almost three years old. Plans change over time. Maybe at that time they thought more things would transfer. I, personally, like keeping my Guardian and losing all my stuff. Starts him on a new journey.

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              • I love some smoked salmon

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              • Destiny 2 was also supposed to launch in 2016.....but it didnt....plans change......

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              • Oh Jesus. Someone else living 3 years in the past.

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              • So all I get to carry over is my ugly mug I can't redo? Greeeeat.

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                2 Replies
                • Thank god it didn't, D2 would be a shit show then. Whether people like it or not, a hard reset was needed to get more people into the franchise. People can bitch and moan about it but its whats bets for the game, D1 sucked pretty bad Y1 , so many players left and did not look back. I don't have a problem with them trying to get more players in , they had to change some things (weapon layout, ability damage etc) Thats really not a big deal for me, the game is looking great from what we have seen and tasted so far.

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                  • This game suppose to be Destiny 2 but its a DLC...

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                  • In other words you get to carry an emblem to the sequel and can't modify your appearance. Woo

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                  • so knowing that before the release of destiny, that bungie was having "creative differences" with in their company, some how you feel cheated? Everyone that was paying attention should have known that Destiny wasn't going to be what they had originally planned. and the Bungie that is now, the people who took the reins after release, was having to balance the game that wasn't balanced to begin with nerfs, buffs, patches, what ever. And now they are having to draw on their own creative inspirations with out having any knowledge of what inspired the original story and make their own game. but don't get me wrong there are parts of the game I know were "misrepresented" Bungie is being up front about everything in destiny 2, and people are complaining that it isn't what it is supposed to be.....The people that were originally making Destiny aren't even working on the D2. It is a new game all together that is being made by people who have been inspired by destiny but are making their own game, stop whining no one owes you anything. you aren't a victim of anything but over hyping yourself and knowing the company was falling apart from the inside and you still bought the game with the same hype get over it.

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                  • Edited by FromNowOn: 8/6/2017 5:38:09 PM
                    Even though this article is from 2014 and we already know Bungie both totally screwed up with D1 and also lied a bunch over the years.... It's still nice to hear that at one time this was really the intention. Fanboys will come on here and say "uh that's from 2014" like it totally discredits the article. But in reality, it's a good reminder that at one point there had to be a meeting where the big wigs decided that no progress should carry over. There was no community discussion on the matter, there was no Q&A as to why, there wasn't even an explanation lore-wise other than "they blew up your vault and kicked you off a ledge". Pretty pathetic honestly. That would have been such a great opportunity to bring the community closer together and to show that they really care. But no. Some out of touch morons around a boardroom table put their foot down and decided "what's best" for millions of gamers... (even though, unfortunately, in this article DeeJ actually only talks about the characters being pulled through, which is what happened... So... I mean, they kinda actually kept their word on that one. He never really says your "progress" will carry through)

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                    3 Replies
                    • Sounds like it's gonna be a great franchise. Can't wait to preorder!

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                    • Slightly better than your last one. Slightly. Silver medal for today. 🥈

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