The terror of a [i]Bug[/i] that Voidwalkers face is [url=]still present in D2[/url] and needs to be squished!
It's an annoyance that plagued many Voidwalker in getting that kill they could've got but their Grenade decided to became a Basketball instead. Please kill this [i]Bug[/i]!
By the way, I'm loving Scatter Grenades a lot in Destiny 2, I love the idea of using your Super to give Scatter tracking, quite noice.
D2 is D1 with some new content, new parameter settings and tons of cut content, like all old regions, Dreadnaught and Private Matches. They will resell all that cutout stuff again to you in y4/5. The core engine and all glitches and bugs are obviously the same, because alll old bugs and glitches are there! They don't have Destiny restarted and didn't reprogramm anything.