Here is how this will work if you reply that you want an item I will send you a picture of a random item with the name (can be from tv shows video games books ect) and what you have to do is write a commercial for it.
Edit: If you guys want a specific series to get an item for (like halo for example) just say in parentheses the series name. Ex (halo)
Edited by OldboyVicious: 8/3/2017 5:42:49 PMSend me a picture of my new product: Goo-Gone-Gone NARRATION: "Did you use Goo-Gone to get some goo gone, but now you can't get the Goo-Gone gone? Well use Goo-Gone-Gone! It gets the Goo-Gone GONE! Goo-Gone is great for removing labels, stickers price tags, and other sticky substances, bit it leaves a slippery, oily residue!" NARRATION IS OVER FOLLOWING SCENES: [i]BLack and white video of a kid using Goo-Gone to remove a price tag from his new ant farm and accidentally dropping it. Cut to an old lady using Goo-Gone to remove the label from a glass peanut butter jar and dropping it. Cut to a dad using Goo-Gone to get a price tag off of his golf club handle, then taking a swing and it flies out of his hand. [/i] NARRATION: "Keep your life simple and safe with Goo-Gone-Gone! Avoid the hassles of Goo-Gone being difficult to remove and being so slippery!" NARRATION OVER FOLLOWING SCENES [i]Kid with family is in their living room, broken ant farm on floor. They are scratching themselves feverishly, covered on ants. Cut to old lady lying on the floor, her feet fishing gallons to blood while she writhes in pain amongst the broken shards of the peanut butter jar. Cut to the dad looking at his hands in disbelief as his club has just slipped away mid swing, getting flung through the air. Cut back to the old lady. She has pulled herself to her feet, barely able to stand, she reaches for the phone to try and call 911. A good club smashes through her window and hits her in the head.[/i] NARRATION: "So when you've used Goo-Gone to get some goo gone and need to get the Goo-Gone gone, use Goo-Gone-Gone! It get's the Goo-Gone, GONE! [i]Cut to order screen, phone number, payment info, etc. [/i] [spoiler]It's actually been a dream of mine to make infomercials for fake products I've invented.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Also, this wasn't within the rules of the post, so send me something random and I'll write a commercial for it haha.[/spoiler]