I preferred the pulse rifles personally. I liked hand cannons, but they take some getting used too. Most likely when Destiny 2 is released the pulse rifles will be the main weapon. I really liked the "Nightshade" pulse. Hopefully I spelt that correctly. I never seen a rocket launcher the entire beta. But my friends were claiming that they were in the beta. Anyway, what was your favorite weapon type/weapon in the beta?
- Also sub machine guns and grenade launcher.
I played at least 100+ games of control and my strongest loadout was, Nightshade Minuet Main ingredient The Negral was very good too but the Minuet was just too crispy to not use! The Nightshade was easily the most powerful primary once you got the kill clip active! I really hope they balance the primary weapons up to the strength of the Nightshade and not the other way around.