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Edited by Obscure Meme: 7/31/2017 4:03:29 AM

What's the deal with OW comp?

So my friends and I have been doing season five lately and we've come to a crossroad in our SR and honestly I have no clue why or how the game places us where it did and what it means for the future. Back to the beginning of comp and season 3 my friends and I all placed in platinum or above and we were cool with that, but recently with season 4 and 5 it has been a decline from the start of placements themselves. In 4 when we got placed, we shot right down to gold. I was more of the lucky one as I placed in high gold so I figured it was alright and would just work my way back up, though due to the oddness of that season I could not climb for the life of me. So I expected to get placed in relatively the same spot this season, but was surprised when one of my friends got placed in low silver, and not much later so did I. Then I begged the question, "what gives?". I understand they place you lower than your final in the last season but a whole 2 ranks over 2 seasons is an absurd amount, and especially concerning the changes they made to SR gains and losses and how placements kind of dictate nothing. We're certainly not terrible and I don't think any of my friends deserved to be placed as low as they did. We were doing consistently good and I don't see the point or algorithm of placing us lower than I believe we deserve. Is it because of simple things like placements, or is it a deep issue surrounding things like how you perform in game or even as raw as what heroes you pick? So you know, I'm kind of tilted at this whole thing, but I'm always open to information and help regarding comp/ranks/climbing and hope I can take something away from this. I'm so confused on this whole issue and really any form of help will be greatly appreciated. Edit: forgot to mention I am on console

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